Number 15. Old door. Not sure why they gave up on the wider door. Maybe the corners not clearing the arch might have had something to do with it!

Salamanca Province

Folder: Spain provinces (and Madrid)

Number 15. Old door. Not sure why they gave up on…

20 Aug 2016 33 30 848
Old door, Miranda Del Castanar, Sierra de Francia, Salamanca Province.

Mogarraz roofscape, Sierra de Francia, Salamanca P…

20 Aug 2016 21 31 612
An interesting town, for many reasons. Well worth a visit. I'm sure most of you have (not all as I know a few are against) but, if not, PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY VERY SOON.

Old Door, La Alberca, Salamanca province. PLEASE S…

20 Aug 2016 28 41 917
If you were not 100% catholic, in the days of the reconquista and after, it made sense to declare your undying adherence to the True Faith of the Winning Side by such means as these biblical extracts over your door!

Miranda del Castanar

20 Aug 2016 40 51 941
A delightful village in the Sierra de Francia, Salamanca province.

Eager to help! Miranda del Castanar

20 Aug 2016 16 25 628
One of many old streets in this delightful village. Salamanca province.

Old door, Miranda del Castanar

20 Aug 2016 18 19 747
Salamanca Province, Sierra de Francia, August 2016

Mogarraz, Salamanca Province, Sierra de Francia

20 Aug 2016 9 14 630
All 388 residents were photographed in 1967. Some years later, permission was granted to paint portraits from the photo album and adorn the houses where they lived!

La Alberca

21 Aug 2016 15 19 425
Very touristy but still unspoilt, La Alberca is one of the very beautiful villages situated in the Sierra de Francia, Salamanca Province.

It's seen better days.

20 Aug 2016 23 29 748
Probably uninhabited. There are many properties like this in the villages of rural Spain. Here, in Mogarraz, not so many as it is a touristy place.

'KEEP OUT'!! or 'STAY IN!!'. Either way, a worryin…

20 Aug 2016 23 23 844
An arresting sight! And a deeply unpleasant one, to my mind! Window seen in Mogarraz, Salamanca Province.

Plaza Mayor, Salamanca

18 Aug 2016 13 17 793
The largest Plaza Mayor in Spain. I waited for ages for the guy in the pink shirt to shuffle off but he must have used up a whole reel of film! Mind you, there was probably a guy behind me ,,,


22 Aug 2016 18 27 741
Moggaraz is a very pleasant (and touristy) town in the Sierra de Francia, Salamanca Province. All of Its 300 odd inhabitants in 1967 agreed to have their photos taken and large-scale paintings were taken from those photos and placed on the walls of their homes, some years later. Whether you find this strange or superb, it it is certainly different! Whoever pitched this concept to these naturally conservative and cautious country folk must have been a sales genius!

Venerable door, probably not much in use!

23 Aug 2016 14 14 420
Mogarraz, Sierra de Francia, Salamanca Province

Ready for the school exams

20 Aug 2016 18 28 657
The castle at Miranda dei Castanar, Salamanca Province. The students have to bring their own chairs. They do things differently here!

Ever on the phone, a popular gel!

20 Aug 2016 11 14 308
The entrance to Miranda del Castañar, Sierra de Francia, Salamanca Province. And as soon as she saw the camera she turned round sharpish, of course!

Rio Batuecas, Sierra de Fancia

18 Sep 2016 18 19 501
Parque Natural de Las Batuecas, Sierra de Francia, Salamanca Province. In September the water is at its lowest. It can be a raging torrent after heavy rain and snow melt in Spring. Sight and Sound: Vídeo de youtube die forelle quintet ▶ 8:21

Rio Batuecas

18 Sep 2016 16 18 375
A little further upstream then the other one recently posted. In September the water is at its lowest. It can be a raging torrent after heavy rain and snow melt in Spring.

Miranda del Castanar

18 Sep 2016 18 18 317
Many of the streets go under the houses. A good use of space in these hilly villages of the beautiful Sierra de Francia, Salamanca, Province. You may remember this shot (just round the corner from here);

41 items in total