David Holland's photos

EF7A7144-CR2 DxO DeepPRIMEMonkey

24 Aug 2023
Common Woolly Monkey (Lagothrix lagothricha) , Guaviare, Colombia

EF7A7169 River Dolphin

24 Aug 2023 3
Amazon, River Dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, near Guaviare, Colombia. These will come and see you - still a pain to photograph.

EF7A7170 River Dolphine

24 Aug 2023 3
Amazon, River Dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, near Guaviare, Colombia These will come and see you - still a pain to photograph.

EF7A7117 Heron

24 Aug 2023 2 1 7
Cocoi Heron, Ardea cocoi, Guaviare, Colombia

EF7A7107 Heron

24 Aug 2023 5
Sunbittern, Eurypyga helias, Guaviare, Colombia

EF7A7101 Yolima Bridge

23 Aug 2023 8
Yolima bridge, San Jose de Guaviare, Guaviare, Colombia

EF7A7027 Rock Art

23 Aug 2023 2
Rock art, Cierro Azul, Guapiare, Colombia. This art was done over a long period of time - not much is known about who did it, but it was not a local current indigenous tribe. We were told that there it was probably done by a nomadic tribe as there is similar in other parts of Colombia. There is is one painting of Megatherium a long extinct species of sloth. You can just see it here.

IMG 7289 Weevil-1

29 Aug 2023 6
Weevil on my finger, Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia. Tribe Ambatini a member of Flower Weevils Subfamily Baridinae

IMG 7299 Weevil

29 Aug 2023 8
Weevil,, Tribe Ambatini Weevil, a member of Flower Weevils Subfamily Baridinae Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia

IMG 7286 Stick Insect-1

29 Aug 2023 8
Stick Insect, Libethra species, Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia

IMG 7285 Grasshopper-1

29 Aug 2023 8
Grasshopper, Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia

IMG 7278 Planthopper

29 Aug 2023 6
Tribe Pintaliini a member of Cixiid Planthoppers Family Cixiidae, Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia

IMG 7270 Weevil-2

29 Aug 2023 8
Weevil, Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia

IMG 7269 Leaf Hoppers-2

29 Aug 2023 7
Leaf Hoppers,Typical Leafhoppers, Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia

IMG 7265 leaf hopper

29 Aug 2023 7
Leaf Hopper, Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia

IMG 7259 Cricket

29 Aug 2023 8
Cricket, Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia

IMG 7256 Spider

29 Aug 2023 7
Spider, Orbweaver, Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia. Genus Witica

IMG 7253 Cricket

29 Aug 2023 5
Cricket Montezuma, Tatama, Risaralda,Colombia

11054 photos in total