Desirée (1971)



01 Jan 2008 21 22 278
1983: scan of a slide. Coastal road Lago di Garda (Ponale Strasse) Melanie de Biasio:

Hoofdgebouw Rijks Universiteit Groningen

01 Jan 2008 7 4 160
1972 scan of a slide


27 Mar 2018 12 11 205
No dutch equivalent of this fine lexicon available. The 1965 editions

A well known Star Atlas

28 Mar 2018 6 5 200
Gekauft in 1967 in Braunlage als ich mit Freunde Urlaub machte im Harz Another "Stairway to Heaven" My older sisters like the Blue Diamonds

Golden Records

27 Nov 2018 8 18 191
C+B Distant Smile

1961 Beatles in HH

30 Jun 2020 10 9 220
The Beatles :

Mein Trix Dampflok

18 Dec 2018 27 21 183
Schon über 50 Jahre und immer noch full power Night Train C&B

Mein Trix E-Lok

Mein Trix Diesellok V200

Das war's, aber ...

28 Dec 2018 10 5 151
....die nächste ist auch nich wiet

A Special Label

06 Jan 2019 7 3 147

A holiday job

19 Jul 2009 22 18 295
Me, during the holidays in july 1969


06 Jan 2019 11 11 283
1967 record

Yuri Gagarin

31 Jul 2017 12 4 169
12-4-2021: 60 years ago he rounded the Earth in a spaceship 9-3-2019: the first man in space (1961) would have been 85 today Picture made in a small museum near Kaliningrad. A telegram send to a small village school after they congratulated Yuri Gagarin with his spacetrip

An old document

17 Jun 2019 10 12 138
einde lagere school (juli 1963) leaving primary school abschluss Volksschuhle Pink Floyd:

Fifty Years After

15 Aug 2019 10 8 285
Ten Years After: I'm going home

96 items in total