Getting ready


06 Dec 2016

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105 visits

Getting ready

06 Dec 2016

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1 comment

58 visits

The little one

This small tree decorates our dining room. /// Dieser kleine Baum schmueckt unser Esszimmer.

16 Dec 2016

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119 visits

Our Christmas Cactus is blooming

12 Dec 2016

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221 visits

Merry Christmas!

Edit today, Dec. 19th: A very generous soul out there has made it possible for me to continue, THANK YOU cp_u! I have reached the number of photos that can be displayed in my account, and since this program is scheduled to be shut down, what does it matter. So, this is my last entry here. I can be found in Flickr and Facebook, also Weather Underground and " ".

21 Dec 2016

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99 visits

Christmas decorations

Last night I watched angels like these being made in a Christmas video from northern Germany. I had this craft foil with a different color on each side left over from a project years ago, so I used the foil to create the same angels that were shown in the video.

26 Dec 2016

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104 visits

After heavy rain today.

The snow is gone and strong wind is now drying the soggy ground after it had rained all day.

11 Dec 2014

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124 visits

Merry Christmas to All!

18 Dec 2017

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114 visits

A little incense figure from the Erzgebirge, Germany

What a lovely Christmas present we received today, a little 'smoke man' (Räuchermännchen) from the Erzgebirge (Iron Mountains), Germany, where wood carving is an important source of income. My cousin and his family live in Chemnitz and when they asked what we would like to have for Christmas, I immediately expressed how I would love to have a little smoke man again. These figures are a traditional Christmas item in the region and this one is decorated in the local costume of a iron ore miner. I have not had one since I was a child. The figures are hollow and are sold with small incense cones. I just lit one and our house smells wonderful, just like Christmas is supposed to. The smoke escapes through the hollow mouth.

18 Dec 2017

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248 visits

Incense burning wooden figure

23 items in total