Doerthe's photos

13 Jul 2015

96 visits

Bald Eagle parents

13 Jul 2015

69 visits

Black Swallowtail

The last butterfly I was able to watch that was raised in my friend's home. It hat emerged two hours earlier and my friend let the butterfly cling to her forefinger and that is how it entered the outside world. It took about an hour for it to become acclimated to the outside before it flew off. What an amazing adventure it was for me.

13 Jul 2015

79 visits

Left: Egret, right: Green heron

13 Jul 2015

97 visits

Great white egret

13 Jul 2015

90 visits

Great white egret

20 Mar 2013

79 visits

Old Squaws /// Eisenten

05 Mar 2013

67 visits

1-IMG 0216-001

05 Mar 2013

76 visits

Redhead Duck

09 Feb 2013

49 visits

Canada geese & Old squaw ducks, ice on Lake Huron

4159 items in total