Eva Lewitus' photos

HBM Plaza del correo , Port Vel, Barcelona, Spain


24 Aug 2010 24 16 80
She is reconstructing an ancient wall, in Caral, It is attributed an antiquity of 5,000 years and it is considered the oldest city in the Americas and one of the oldest in the world. No other site has been found with such a diversity of monumental buildings or different ceremonial and administrative functions in the Americas as early as Caral. Caral is the largest recorded site in the Andean region, with dates older than 2000 BC. It appears to be the model for the urban design adopted by Andean civilizations that rose and fell over the span of four millennia. Scholars believe that research conducted in Caral may answer questions about the origins of the Andean civilizations and the development of its first cities.It has been declared a Humanity Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO. Wikipedia

Depp came to Lima and found my piano

23 Sep 2023 22 37 114
AI created dog playing the piano .

Für Markus (Boarischa Krautmo )

20 Sep 2023 19 16 85
www.ipernity.com/doc/b_k/52102328 Da Du uns so viele und so fantasievolle Photos zeigst, hab ich mich getraut Deine Fotografie auch zu bearbeiten.


20 Jul 2008 14 18 57
Here it is still Wednesday! So for halt an hour I wish you all the best... and if not for today, then for tomorrow, or any other day.

Texture wool . Original with 3 PIPs

02 Sep 2023 19 14 84
Having fun with an old alpaca cardigan.

HFF from Ionnina, Greece, a few years ago.

Feliz año nuevo - Happy New Year

HWW from Ollantaytambo

07 Dec 2006 29 25 89
These walls date from the Inca times. The girls in the meantime ... who knows if they stayed in Ollantaytambo.

Boy with Pacae (Breadfruit)

Saturday Self-Challenge Clothespins

09 Sep 2023 10 5 71
Clothe-pins are so useful! As you can see, I have different kinds and colors...

Careful, careful, slow, slow, STOP!

1719 items in total