Iljuschin's articles

  • Fröhliche Weihnachten / Bonne Noël / Merry Christmas / Vésely Vánoce

    - 24 Dec 2007 - 1 comment
    Nativity Façade
    Merry Christmas! My present for you: A really big version of the Nativity Façade of the Sagrada Familia which I made on my last visit in Barcelona... I am really thankfull for all your visits and friendly comments in the last year. I wish all health, luck and good times for the next year! I´ll hope too to met many of you at the ipernational meeting in Berlin in February!

  • Congratulation: Climbing the Million

    - 19 Nov 2007 - 4 comments
    The Million upload, if no one has remarked it: :-)  

  • Disappeared

    - 08 Nov 2007 - 1 comment
    I wondered that I did not see any longer news from Helmut. Now I have seen that his account must be completely deleted. This is really a pity! I liked his work and I had so many faves of him :-(( What is happening?

  • Moo!

    - 27 Oct 2007 - 6 comments
    Diese Woche sind sie eingetroffen, meine Moo-Cards! Die Kärtchen sind einfach schön, wenn das Upload nur nicht so ewig dauern würde! But they love to print .-) Um wirklich viele unterschiedliche hinzubekommen, musste ich bei der Beschränkung auf 50MB für den Upload vorher selbst zurechtschnippeln. Aber das Ergebnis macht Spaß.  

  • Tried the audio feature

    - 08 Sep 2007
    Inspired by the slideshow of scab I finally detected how to put some music to a slideshow. Nice. It would be much more nice if I could decide which music in which album will be played in which order. What I do not understand: If I opened the full slideshow I can decide to play the default playlist and my music starts, but if I enter any album: No music? Seems that there will be played the music which is uploaded on a date around the starting photo?

  • Timeout...

    - 17 Aug 2007
    from holiday internet abstinence, sitting for a morning coffe in a bar with wlan. Really bad connection, so I have to be fast. It was really a long travel in the car to this place, but it was worth the wait: Eating grilled fish, having czech beer, jumping into the see. It is so good to have some timeout from working! It is a pity, but on sunday I have to go back. Lucky as I am there rests a week holiday at home. I try to upload here first photos, lets see If I get some through this bad…

  • Away...

    - 11 Aug 2007 - 1 comment
    I will be away for a week, visiting Split this time. I travel by car with some friends and I do not know them all. This will be great fun a am sure! Having two weeks vacation is something what I do not had for a long time, I could not remember when it was the last time. Two years, three? But for sure is: The last time I was in this region is something about 26 years ago! Maybe I have some funny photos for you all.  

  • No more Pro...

    - 06 Aug 2007 - 8 comments
    .. at flickr. My mail to flickr-staff. Sorry I have no time to translate... Sehr geehrte Frau Sterl, Wie die Diskussionen der letzten Zeit gezeigt haben legt yahoo & flickr sehr viel Wert auf proaktive und übereifrig ausgelegte Gesetzesinterpretation. Das hindert Ihre Firma aber nicht, trotz mehrfacher Bemängelung seitens aktiver und ehemaliger Kunden ein gesetzeskonformes Impressum für die Kontaktaufnahme zu hinterlegen. Daher wende ich mich direkt an Sie, eine Ergoogelung d…

  • The Blitz Contest - #2: Winner Roberto Ballerini

    - 31 Jul 2007 - 16 comments
    The Winner is Roberto Ballerini with 6 Points 48 hours to post a shot; 48 hours to vote. The winner will host next Blitz Contest. Every shot can participate to only a Blitz Contest. WHY BLITZ? Ok for me as a german this term is somehow a little bit problematic. But I always think about this funny scene in Charly Chaplins "The Grat Dictator" about the *guy* in the swamp swearing like a trooper using the german word "Blitz". Maybe "Blitz" is also a term used in chess to indicate tournaments…

  • Ja wie geil ist das denn?

    - 27 Jul 2007 - 1 comment
    Habe heute einfach mal so einen Selphy geschenkt bekommen! Zack Zack und die Postkarte ist am Start. Geiiiil!

  • Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

    - 24 Jul 2007 - 3 comments
    Today is a happy day! *happy* *herumhüpf*

  • Ready for next year...

    - 28 Jun 2007 - 2 comments
    Ready for next year
    ... in my life. It was not the best, thinking about love. It was fantastic at work and all in all not really bad, so I am in a good mood for the next year. People left my life without a explanation and without a reason, but others I like very much, stay. I think I will have much fun with my new toy (this camera). I hope to get more in touch with special persons I do know now or I will met in the future. Maybe my language skills in czech will get better and hopefully I can start to smoke a…

  • hmmm, bags are required....

    - 28 Jun 2007
    ... but equipment is nice. Hatte am Wochende mal das Nikkor 18-200 mm in der Hand (und auf dem Apparat). Schon geil, eigentlich. Jetzt hadere ich mit mir. Das geht mal voll auf die Urlaubskasse! Fotografiert hier jemand mit einer D40? Erfahrungen mit dem Objektiv?

  • Sony cybershot

    - 25 Jun 2007 - 1 comment
    flickr Nikon camera finder
    Maybe you all have some fun (or feeling sorry) with actual flickr camera stats:   Those graphs can not be censrd, or, this will be really a hard work to. If you have a look to Canon, Nikon, Leica: All is going down, down, down. The winner is: Sony cybershot. Those graphs are normalized to user amount, and amout of pictures sent, but I think that all DSLR are going down after a special date must say something. Even my D40, which is actually a top seller: Significant bend in the last two wee…

  • It is done!

    - 24 Jun 2007
    I am happy now, transferred all my suckr-images arranged them in albums. Unfortunatley the geotags got lost :-( I suffer with those used flickr for a long time, I was only a short term user before they get so nasty that I want to leave. So it was only 84 photos to takeover.... Till now, I hope to have a more logical photostream...

  • Thanks for nothing!

    - 21 Jun 2007 - 1 comment
    Ok. The latest news I´ve found in help and groups in this suckr thing, were the last point. Giving german users a candy about setting the filtr to moderate, uhhh I am impressed. Nothing about the big mess itself, still deleting accounts of protesters and setting accounts to unsafe for a protest picture. The demo was impressing, but 12000 Group members are still even not 1% of all users. The only thing we can do is to cancel the pro account and stop uploading there. Allo ipernity! I feel quite mo…

  • HopHop

    - 20 Jun 2007
    Nachdem ich mich gestern ein wenig abgemüht habe Bild für Bild hochzuladen: GM-Script installiert und der Umzug läuft wie geschmiert. Respekt! Hier fühlt man sich abgeholt, ca c´est trés bien, alors je pense il n´y a pas longtems de payer le pro account. Einfach auch aus Boshaftigkeit, warum sollte Flickr für seine Arroganz auch jetzt mein Geld haben, aber ipernity nicht?  

  • Suckr.

    - 18 Jun 2007
    Es scheint so, als ob yahoo das Thema aussitzen wird. Ich werde mich also mal hier ein wenig einrichten und schauen ob ich es mir gemütlich machen kann....

54 articles in total