For everyone who fell in love with Prague :)
All interesting photos are welcomed.
Later preferably not common ones.
(basically other documents than photos are allowed as well)
This is an 0P3N sub-group.
- peace, pace, la paix, Frieden -
When will people behave like human beings ?
Please post here documents that concern how people can come along with each other peacefully.
But also documents that show war from the bad side.
Any other aspect related is welcome.
Everybody will be promoted MODERATOR.
Everybody is allowed to check if a document is well placed and may delete those which he thinks are not.
Also can everybody invite documents from other ipernit…
Ni strebas al redistribuo fundamenta de la riĉaĵoj de la socio kaj de la politika potenco favore al la laborista klaso kadre de socio pli profunde libera kaj demokrata. Por atingi tiujn celojn ni analizas laŭ diversaj vidpunktoj la nuntempan kapitalisman socion kaj la porŝanĝajn socialismajn strategiojn. .
Ĉinesko,verkita laŭ skemo de ĉina fiksforma poemo (ĉefe laŭ ci-oj sed inkluzive ankaŭ ekz-e de: poemoj, arioj, kaj eĉ tiuj de naciminoritataj poezioj),
Montru foton pri via infanaĝo. Bonvolu :-)
Gekaraj, por mi estis ĉiam intersa rigardi malnovajn fotojn, ĉefe pri la infanaĝo. Mi tre dankas pro vi aldonis jam fotojn al grupo kaj mi atendas la pli novajn - "malnovajn " :-) - fotojn de vi. Mi esperas ni povos rigardi ankaŭ fotojn pri knabinoj. :-)
Contribute here with your photos about China and all China Towns around the world or just take a look around.
Everybody is welcome to write and express in any language. Català, 中文, Deutsch, English, Español, Esperanto, Euskera, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, tiếng Việt, whatever.
Important in this group are the beautiful chinese images.
You can add any poems here, in any multimedia form, a picture with a poem as a description or just as a new post in the forum. The language of the poems doesn't matter, but keep in mind that the main language here is Esperanto. The poems may be most diverse! You can also organise "poem-battles" here.
This group is for the opposite of documentary photography.
Every kind of digital manipulation is appreciated: Change the colors, fake real film effects like cross processing or make your pictures look lomo like, make day to night and night to day, bring people together they never met.
Be creative and show us what you can do with Photoshop or other software!
Esperanto literature, language development, synonyms, proposals for new words and expressions, discussions about Esperanto and its structure, free discussions and an exchange of opinions with supporters of other planned languages.
Suggestions and proposals in collaboration with the Google ELIR group
(Esperanto Literatura Internacia Rondo)
Photos from "street-art", graffiti, stencils, cuttings, stickers, urban knitting, etc. ...
This is a moderated group. Please give me some time to do the work, I haven´t each day time for ipernity, but will moderate this group in my free spaces. In case there isn´t any free time for ipernity all your submissions will be auto - approved after seven days, but mostly I will approve them manually and much earlier.
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Public groups in which Jan Popelka is an administrator
Accidental Esperanto
Seemingly unintentional use of perfectly good Esperanto.
For everyone who fell in love with Prague :) All interesting photos are welcomed. Later preferably not common ones. (basically other documents than photos are allowed as well)
Pictures of this splendid colourful sky phenomenon
Snow - Schnee - Neige!
0P3N.peace, pace, la paix, Frieden - and other topics that show where planet earth can be improved.
This is an 0P3N sub-group. - peace, pace, la paix, Frieden - When will people behave like human beings ? Please post here documents that concern how people can come along with each other peacefully. But also documents that show war from the bad side. Any other aspect related is welcome. Everybody will be promoted MODERATOR. Everybody is allowed to check if a document is well placed and may delete those which he thinks are not. Also can everybody invite documents from other ipernit…
Every thing about Jazz Photos, events, news and discussions. ===PHOTO OF THE MONTH === ===PREVIOUS PHOTO OF THE MONTH ===
Россия - Russia
Group about Russia - for all who love and interested in this country.
Programs and programming (Esperanto)
Everything related to programming to be discussed in Esperanto. Both from programmers' and users' points of view.
Public groups in which Jan Popelka is a member
Ni strebas al redistribuo fundamenta de la riĉaĵoj de la socio kaj de la politika potenco favore al la laborista klaso kadre de socio pli profunde libera kaj demokrata. Por atingi tiujn celojn ni analizas laŭ diversaj vidpunktoj la nuntempan kapitalisman socion kaj la porŝanĝajn socialismajn strategiojn. .
Ĉinesko en Esperanto
Ĉinesko,verkita laŭ skemo de ĉina fiksforma poemo (ĉefe laŭ ci-oj sed inkluzive ankaŭ ekz-e de: poemoj, arioj, kaj eĉ tiuj de naciminoritataj poezioj),
Children's world (0-12 years)
Photos of childs in the range from 0 up to 12 years. Please write the city and state of the photo-location. Thanks.
Kiel vi aspektis kiam vi estis infano ?
Montru foton pri via infanaĝo. Bonvolu :-) Gekaraj, por mi estis ĉiam intersa rigardi malnovajn fotojn, ĉefe pri la infanaĝo. Mi tre dankas pro vi aldonis jam fotojn al grupo kaj mi atendas la pli novajn - "malnovajn " :-) - fotojn de vi. Mi esperas ni povos rigardi ankaŭ fotojn pri knabinoj. :-)
中国 - Zhōngguó - China
Contribute here with your photos about China and all China Towns around the world or just take a look around. Everybody is welcome to write and express in any language. Català, 中文, Deutsch, English, Español, Esperanto, Euskera, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, tiếng Việt, whatever. Important in this group are the beautiful chinese images.
You can add any poems here, in any multimedia form, a picture with a poem as a description or just as a new post in the forum. The language of the poems doesn't matter, but keep in mind that the main language here is Esperanto. The poems may be most diverse! You can also organise "poem-battles" here.
Organy - orgenoj - Orgel -...
Organy - orgenoj - Orgel -...
Manipulated reality
This group is for the opposite of documentary photography. Every kind of digital manipulation is appreciated: Change the colors, fake real film effects like cross processing or make your pictures look lomo like, make day to night and night to day, bring people together they never met. Be creative and show us what you can do with Photoshop or other software!
peace to all humans
Esperanto literature, language development, synonyms, proposals for new words and expressions, discussions about Esperanto and its structure, free discussions and an exchange of opinions with supporters of other planned languages. Suggestions and proposals in collaboration with the Google ELIR group (Esperanto Literatura Internacia Rondo)
Harpo harp harfe
Temo de tio grupo estas la HARPO. The theme of this group is the harp. Das Thema dieser Gruppe ist die Harfe
Streetart (graffiti, stencils, cuttings, stickers, urban knitting, ...)
Photos from "street-art", graffiti, stencils, cuttings, stickers, urban knitting, etc. ... This is a moderated group. Please give me some time to do the work, I haven´t each day time for ipernity, but will moderate this group in my free spaces. In case there isn´t any free time for ipernity all your submissions will be auto - approved after seven days, but mostly I will approve them manually and much earlier.