Günter Klaus' groups

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Public groups in which Günter Klaus is an administrator

Public groups in which Günter Klaus is a moderator

  • Mosses and lichens

    Mosses and lichens

    Created 2 years ago

    Images in which the moss or lichen is the main motif. (Naturally also combinations of both.) Preferably close-ups in good quality.

  • Blanc


    Created 15 years ago

    Weiß sollte das dominierende in deinem Foto sein. White as the dominant color in your photo, or as an unusual feature in your photo. Bianco come colore dominante nella foto, o come un oggetto insolito nella foto. Blanc comme couleur dominante ou caractéristique inhabituelle dans votre photo.

  • Pic-in-Pic - Welcome to the group...

    Pic-in-Pic - Welcome to the group...

    Created 9 years ago

    Here should be showed beautiful images rich in statement and images with detailed details to be displayed as an image in the image. Only a repetition of the main image is not in terms of these objectives. Completely without stress and voluntarily and without hunting pictures. Nakedness, porn, violence, etc. are excluded.

  • La nature

    La nature

    Created 14 years ago

    Vous pouvez déposer dans ce groupe toutes vos photos ayant un rapport avec la Nature. Les photos de personnes ne sont pas acceptées ici. Vous pouvez déposer au maximum trois photos par jour. Type de médias accepté : photos.

  • Cucho B&W

    Cucho B&W

    Created 12 years ago

    Black and white photos only Bitte nur Schwarzweiß-Fotografie.

  • Only your best photos!!

    Only your best photos!!

    Created 4 years ago

    The purpose of the group is to have the maximum best Photos from you Gallery.

  • the pen and inkwell

    the pen and inkwell

    Created 7 years ago

    Image-related writing group. All your poems in classical or free verse, all prose texts, all writings of which you are the author that are related to an image. To make sure your text is seen by your readers, print it directly under the photo. If you'd rather promote an author you like, with one of their writings or thoughts, be sure to quote them and say a few words about them. If you find that your text is too long, print out part of it and add a link to read the rest in "Articles". Don't hesit…

  • Crocus


    Created 3 years ago

    Crocus flowers of all colors and varieties and only crocuses. Thank you all and welcome!

Public groups in which Günter Klaus is a member

  • l'insolite


    Created 16 years ago

    Les photos qui vous semblent sortir de l'ordinaire !

  • Boîtes à livres / Bookboxes

    Boîtes à livres / Bookboxes

    Created 5 days ago

    Toutes sortes de boîtes à livres originales ou communes et rien d'autres All kinds of original or shared book boxes and nothing else Todo tipo de cajas de libros originales o compartidos y nada más Tutti i tipi di scatole di libri originali o condivisi e nient'altro Alle Arten von originellen oder gemeinsamen Bücherkisten und sonst nichts Todos os tipos de caixas de livros originais ou partilhadas e nada mais Allerlei originele of gedeelde boekendozen en niets anders



    Created 15 years ago

    Bâtiments en ruines. Ruined buildings. Edifici in rovina. Edificios en ruinas.

  • Ombres & reflets / Shades & reflections

    Ombres & reflets / Shades & reflections

    Created 14 years ago

    A place where shades and reflections rule!

  • ❀⊱  Amazing Details  ⊰❀ FLOWERS ONLY !!!

    ❀⊱ Amazing Details ⊰❀ FLOWERS ONLY !!!

    Created 11 years ago

    Here at Amazing Details, flowers are our passion! From the wild ones to the hybrids, we love them all! This group was created for gazers & PHOTOGRAPHERS alike. So PLEASE NO AI generated images, just photos BY YOU ! Unlike other flower groups, here we want to see the flowers only... Check out the group rules then bring us all your pretty flowers & show us their Amazing Details! NO AI generated ! ══════════════════════════════════ Group Rules ✿ Comment Code ✿ Meet the Staff ══…

  • Flo.Fam. : Apocynaceae  & Asclepiadacea , plantes et fleurs de ces familles

    Flo.Fam. : Apocynaceae & Asclepiadacea , plantes et fleurs de ces familles

    Created 4 years ago

    Montrer en photos des plantes et des floraisons de ces deux familles , la seconde étant incluse dans la 1ere Ces photos doivent être de qualité suffisante , sans post traitement exagéré ; elle doivent être le sujet principal ou en tout cas bien visibles en gros plan. Ce sont deux familles considérables incluant un grand nombre de plantes tropicales en savoir plus : fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocynaceae ------------------------------------------------------- Show photos of the plants and floweri…

  • Flo. Fam.: Lamiaceae-Verbenaceae , les lamiacées et verbénacées  , famille des lamiers et des verveines

    Flo. Fam.: Lamiaceae-Verbenaceae , les lamiacées et verbénacées , famille des lamiers et des verveines

    Created 6 years ago

    regroupons ici de belles photos de lamiacées -Caractéristiques : Fleurs à symétrie bilatérale ( zygomorphe) , labiées ( une ou deux lèvres) tige carrée et feuilles opposées - Principaux genres : Beaucoup de lamiacées au jardin et dans la maison: sauges , lavandes , lamiers , cataires ( Nepeta), thyms et romarins , menthes , origan et marjolaine , monardes , phlomis, mélisse, basilic, plectranthus, coleus, stachys , Leonotis, Perilla , physostegia , Verveines , sariettes , agastaches - Parmi…