goandgo's groups

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Public groups in which goandgo is an administrator

Public groups in which goandgo is a member

  • Solitude


    Created 16 years ago

    This is a group for pictures of solitude. These can be of an empty place or there can be a person in the picture experiencing or looking for solitude.

  • Faces everywhere

    Faces everywhere

    Created 16 years ago

    To spot and take photos of faces in inanimate objects, clouds, nature. Basically 'faces' in everything but animals and humans!

  • asymetrix


    Created 17 years ago

    minimal, simple, abstract, composed This is the group for all those who are off-center or enjoy being it once in a while :) we're looking for surprising compositions beyond symetrix. simple and pure . post your asymetricx pix here. please don't post: flowers, buildings, seaside, landscapes - as long as - there isn't something "minimalistix" and / or "abstractix" in them. also don't post : portraits and computer generated images - just the "real thing" ( ps is ok ) everyone apprecia…