Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility.
Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists.
If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen.
The world of butterflies - Die Welt der Schmetterlinge
Tags/Stichworte: Natur nature Makro macro Falter Schmetterling Schmetterlinge butterfly butterflies papillon
Posted a photo to the pool? Please view pages 1 to 4 from the pool and try to find macro photos which deserve your personal comment, nice if you use the group commment code by your personal comment also. No rule but appreciated by all members. Thanks!
Comment Code:
Seen in <a href=" https://www.ipernity.com/group/macro_world "> Macro World </a>
Seen in Macro World
Opposing couple: ( up, down), (black, white), (big, small), (face, back), (mouse, elefant), (junior, senior), (male, female), (clean, dirty), (left, right), (sunrise, sunset), (before, after... hairdresser lifting...) etc...
One doc with the two opposites on it, or two docs with each opposite on it.
Always smaller, always bigger, but always the same.
That's nature, and if you want to understand nature, you have to understand fractals.
selfportraits of all kind...
crazy, funny, artistical or just serious...
post whatever you want to show from yourself...
be welcome and have fun :))
This is a public group, please keep it family-friendly!
Do you like the color red? Then this group is perfect for you,cause it's dedicated to the color red!
Please post only pictures where red is the dominating color :)
We are seeking this old world differently. That we make pictures about it's nature and inhabitans means that we try to archive our toughts about it. Archiving individual toughts as visual inprints gets close to poetry. We share our toughts - visuals trough verbal communication, written texts and photographs. This is what the group is about. We live in the same world, and we are separate worlds ourselves. We see things in common and totally different. let's what the world looks trough our eyes. L…
Toutes photos prises d'une fenetre, sauf voyeurisme ( pas la photo de la voisine en train de se baigner ) la rue, les toits, le jardin d'en face etc........
Ich habe meine nase am fenster gelegt
Dragonflies are a masterpiece of evolution.
Please join our group if you've managed to take some good pictures of one (or more) of these artists of flying.
And, of course, feel free to invite any dragonfly-picture you like.
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Public groups in which chiappi is an administrator1 group in total
Ordinary affairs, unique expression
Public groups in which chiappi is a moderator1 group in total
0P3N ★ V1SU4L_M0M3NT
Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility. CLOSED Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists. If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen. www.ipernity.com/group/busters/network/1
Public groups in which chiappi is a member24 groups in total
Nuestro hermoso cielo - Unser schöner Himmel
Solamente fotos del cielo en "primer plano" , como por ejemplo nubes,luna,estrellas,etc ( NO PAISAJES) - Nur Bilder mit , Wolken, Mond und Sternen.
Things you enjoy. Anybody can put stuff in here which has something special. If possible ESPECIALLY BEAUTIFUL.
Butterflies - Schmetterlinge - Papillon
The world of butterflies - Die Welt der Schmetterlinge Tags/Stichworte: Natur nature Makro macro Falter Schmetterling Schmetterlinge butterfly butterflies papillon
Photos of airplanes, helicopters and any other type of machines that flies by burning fuel.
Tips & tricks
Technical photography and digital edition.
Posted a photo to the pool? Please view pages 1 to 4 from the pool and try to find macro photos which deserve your personal comment, nice if you use the group commment code by your personal comment also. No rule but appreciated by all members. Thanks! Comment Code: Seen in <a href=" https://www.ipernity.com/group/macro_world "> Macro World </a> preview: Seen in Macro World
Opposing couple: ( up, down), (black, white), (big, small), (face, back), (mouse, elefant), (junior, senior), (male, female), (clean, dirty), (left, right), (sunrise, sunset), (before, after... hairdresser lifting...) etc... One doc with the two opposites on it, or two docs with each opposite on it.
Nature, landscape, wildlife, documents about nature conservation Quality prefered than quantity. only about Europe !
⚠️ ARCHIVED ⚠️ Always smaller, always bigger, but always the same. That's nature, and if you want to understand nature, you have to understand fractals.
beetles, (Coleoptera) ...
Beetles, just beetles. all beetles in close-up or macro shots... only beetles, no other animals or insects please.
selfportraits of all kind... crazy, funny, artistical or just serious... post whatever you want to show from yourself... be welcome and have fun :)) This is a public group, please keep it family-friendly!
Flowers family: Asteraceae (Compositeae)
Tournesol, marguerite,Sonnenblumen, chrysanthême, pissenlit, dahlia, tagêtes, zinnias, pâquerettes, dandelion etc...
Sun - Moon and Stars
Sun, Moonphotos,and Stars in the Nights sky. This a Photo group not an Ai group. Sun - Moon and Stars
Do you like the color red? Then this group is perfect for you,cause it's dedicated to the color red! Please post only pictures where red is the dominating color :)
Group of the Visual Poets (2 photos/day, no invite needed :)
We are seeking this old world differently. That we make pictures about it's nature and inhabitans means that we try to archive our toughts about it. Archiving individual toughts as visual inprints gets close to poetry. We share our toughts - visuals trough verbal communication, written texts and photographs. This is what the group is about. We live in the same world, and we are separate worlds ourselves. We see things in common and totally different. let's what the world looks trough our eyes. L…
J'ai mis le nez par la fenetre
Toutes photos prises d'une fenetre, sauf voyeurisme ( pas la photo de la voisine en train de se baigner ) la rue, les toits, le jardin d'en face etc........ Ich habe meine nase am fenster gelegt
Reptiles & Amphibians
Post pictures of reptiles and amphibians here. Limit is 10 docs a day.
Dragonfly - Libellen - Libellules
Dragonflies are a masterpiece of evolution. Please join our group if you've managed to take some good pictures of one (or more) of these artists of flying. And, of course, feel free to invite any dragonfly-picture you like.