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Updated on: 07 Feb 2025.

Klobuk, album created on 12 Jan 2025

5 items in total.

Zadar, album created on 22 Jun 2024

17 items in total.

Lastovo, album created on 29 Apr 2024

16 items in total.

latest article

Brstilo i Humac - 3 weeks ago

Bi san dite, skruoz moli jer se Brstilota spominjen somo di dica starijo od mene na Pijaci za njin viču "mulo", a on bi za njima tuko stinjen... Jure Brstilo kojega se jo spominjen umri je na 4 jenora 1969... smrzo se od zime, odveli su ga u Supetar u bolnicu ma mu ni već bilo pomoći. Kako je u nos običaj jude zvat po nadimku ne jedon put su me pitali kako mu je bilo prezime, od koje je race. Bi je siromah, živi je u kućici koju je naslidi od matere a to kućica je bila u današnjen Carevića dvuor…

About Ivica Truto

Place of residence: Croatia

Member of the club since 2019 162 957 visits

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aNNa schramm RHH Frans Schols Xata StoneRoad2013 Wierd Folkersma J.Garcia Günter Klaus Adele Malik Raoulda Roger (Grisly) Makrofan Karl Hartwig Schütz E. Adam G. Nathalie Herb Riddle Nouchetdu38 Luis Miguel Typo93 @ngélique ❤️ homaris Annemarie Berny Denis Ve Christa1004 Jocelyne Villoing Nicolas Mertens ROL/Photo

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Latest comments - All (44)
Annemarie club
thanks for your so generous visits:)
2 weeks ago.
 Wierd Folkersma
Wierd Folkersma club
Thank you very much for your visit!
12 months ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
du hast eine sehr schöne Galerie - aNNa*
2 years ago.
 Roland, Gérard Platteau
Roland, Gérard Platt…
nu ! vi parolas la francan nun ? Vi metis francan titolon al via spaco ?
3 years ago.
 Ivica Truto
Ivica Truto club
Hy! I have not whatsapp on my phone. You can write too me hire, You say what you need and I help if I can.

5 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?