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Updated on: 19 Jul 2024.
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Photo updates (edited - 23rd July 2024) ... - 2 days ago

My total counter passed the 185,00 mark sometime on 22nd / 23rd July 2024, as I'm away from the internet, I missed the exact moment. Sadly we've lost Ben de-Dog, he crossed the bridge on Tuesday 4th June 2024, after collapsing following his morning constitutional around our house. All of us are devastated - and that includes Beauty [our tripod cat]. However, we are now owned by a Collie, "Bella" came from a local working dogs rescue, She came to us as very shy & timid with a few problems. Bella has already learnt her new name, and has begun remembering her obedience skills. The start of metereological summer is 1st June 2024 ! Much better weather here in the last few days, with greater amounts of sunshine, much less cloud / rain, and therefore warmer temperatures. I am sure the local sheep and farmers appreciate the improvement, my garden certainly seems to do so - and I've needed to do several grass cutting sessions. NOTE : Now on BST from 02:00 on 31st March 2024 - so hopefully some sunshine and dry weather cometh ... GMT returns on 27th October 2024, with Samhain, bonfires and winter to follow ... Many Thanks for visiting ! as I really do appreciate all the various interactions with my images, especially the comments & favourites. I'm hoping to be more interactive with other people's images etc in 2024, as well as deal with most of my own image backlog in the next few months. Obviously, the newest albums have the least number of views - currently they are on page 12 of most viewed albums. I have been keeping up with my uploads, with various visits to places of interest featuring quite strongly but the vast majority are still "Private" as I have been busy in the garden and with a range of administration & other activities ... I have caught up with the last of the backdated items in the Cobid-19 album. Also, I am still working away with more of the various backdated images, and I have found some more "missing" images ... this has meant creating more new albums, for those that didn't fit into the existing albums; as well as adding titles, captions and keywords to the actual images. Final stage is unlocking them and adding some to groups. Mostly, I have "tagged" the albums I am working on with *New*,*updated*,*WiP* and *done* as needed, these will stay for a week or three, depending on the status. For my ease of access, I sometimes add the albums I am currently working with into my favourites, so the contents of the "favourite" banner on my album home page may get changed periodically. Currently, SRR have hree vehicles as two new jobs for 2022, their *NEW* albums appeared recently. Backdated coverage is for :- NSR23, MSR62 & 63, plus two ex-Corris vehicles now on the Talyllyn. Also, various "holiday snaps" and visits to places of interest & gala type events. I still have several hundred images to process, and a further backlog of images to upload ... Please stay safe and healthy - keep indoors or follow social distancing rules if you must make an essential trip outside. Wash hands or sanitise them frequently. Cover face - Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when required, please, for not only your own protection but also for others. Make Space ; Stay at least the minimum distances apart (for me, in the UK that is 2m) Ventilation - make sure there is plenty of fresh air That means there have been an average of 1,000 interactions with my photostream each month, so very many thanks to all the visitors and for all the comments and yellow stars. Apologies, all this has been delayed as I have been concentrating on my garden rebuilding project and writing tender documentation. Although I have been doing a lot more of my administration work at home since March 2020. Luckily, I have avoided catching the plague, so far.

  • Bereaved - In memorium

    - 23 Mar 2024
    In the wee small hours of 7th January 2019, my wonderful father died. May his katra Rest In Peace. ~~~~ Birthday memories ... 23rd March 2024 - where have the past five years gone ? they went past in what seems to have been a brief flash, on waking this morning I didn't feel quite as bereft as I usually do at this time of year. Sleep well Patro, I miss you ! e2aa - Somewhat similar to what happened last year, four years seems to have passed in a brief flash and this morning I felt the loss very keenly. E2A - This morning I awoke to feelings that the last three years seem like yesterday, not that I slept particularly well. [This is a very personal sense of loss and I am not decrying all the suffering and deaths from the pandemic, quite the opposite] I typed my first version of this before dawn on 7th Jan 2022, deleted it and tried again. It would have been his 103rd birthday on 23rd March 2022 (1919 to 2019) and I doubt he would have managed to get to 104 [23rd March 2023] ... Father's Day in the UK on 18th June 2023. Always a sad day, I miss the opportunity to send himself some bad esperanto in an humourous card. ~~~~ this links to an image in my photos entitled "CAS - esperantist" (which was in the Ipernity Frontpage and What's Hot group on 3rd March 2019)

  • Team Ipernity News - 28th Jan 2022

    - 31 Jan 2022 . Be a part of shaping ipernity's future! . Please read this article on the Team blog [28th January 2022].

WR (O&A) - Poole 2024 [lifeboat festival], album created on 22 Jul 2024

WR was invited to the Lifeboat Festival in Poole over the weekend of 18 / 19 May 2024, to celebrate the RNLI's 200th Anniversary. ON594 was the oldest ex-RNLI lifeboat present [although 416 is actually older] and presented a stark contrast to all the modern technology and high speed craft - and even some of the other retired lifeboats.

TiG[mc] - Micro-cars, album created on 29 Jun 2024

Several manufacturers have dabbled with micro-cars over the years, some more successfully than others. These have been known by various nicknames as well as their official designations. Popularity has been changeable over time ... as have details of the definition !

hlft - High and Low Force, Teesdale, album created on 19 Jun 2024

Our first trip out with Bella was to Alston for lunch at Hickens' [South Tynedale Railway], then we had a short walk to Low Force, on the River Tees and finally to Middleton-in-Teesdale for coffee and cakes. Bella was exceptionally well behaved with everyone she met - especially the other dogs. Previous visits to both Forces have been made, images to follow.

gct[5] - camera trap five, album created on 12 May 2024

Still watching the garden - Please note that the date stamp on the first batch of [40]images for 9/10 Nov 2023 are incorrect [should be April or May 2024] to save some space, I will be deleting "blanks" or otherwise unsuitable images. The camera trap has been re-dated ... so from 14th July 2024 the timestamps are right[ish]

BtC - Bella the Collie, album created on 12 Jun 2024

Bella came into our household on 7th June 2024. She came via a working dog rescue about 30 minutes drive from home, with the name Nancy. She's about a year old, an Irish [Welsh] border collie and is very, very timid and insecure - with little or no training, however, she walks to heel on a lead already. Fortunately, she is fine with people, other dogs and appears to be coping with Beauty [our tripod cat]. Now been introduced to the South Tynedale Railway, Low Force [Teesdale], the outer harbour…

GE2024 - UK's 2024 General Election, album created on 30 May 2024

Prime Minister R.Sunak called the UK's General Election for Thursday 4th July 2024. Result was a Labour landslide ... Lab = 412, Con = 121, LibDems = 72, others = 45 [11 parties]. [First seat to declare was counted in Sunderland, Labour holding Houghton & Sunderland South, and Inverness, Skye & West Ross-shire was the last seat to declare, with The LibDems gaining from the SNP. After the main count, and a recount on Friday, there was a second recount underway on Saturday, after discrepancies bet…

About StoneRoad2013

Place of residence: United Kingdom

Member of the club since 2013 185 158 visits

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Dinesh LotharW Albrecht Girle Ronald Losure The Limbo Connection Max Biobauer Doerthe Paulo Moreira xenophora Typo93 gitte.loveanimals Robert Beaudry tiabunna zumishi Eric Desjours Mariagrazia Gaggero Alass Elbertinum Isisbridge MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix) Jean-michel N Gary Schotel Raven Lunatic Christa1004 SV1XV Don Sutherland Aus Blue Erhard Bernstein

See all of them?


Latest comments - All (142)
 Roséha D.
Roséha D.
Thanks for the adding and welcome to my pages ! Have a lovely day***********
12 months ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
I have just [at 17:21 BST on 10th April 2023] managed to get back onto Ipernity, after a break of some four hours.
15 months ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
Server maintenance due 13th September 2022 from 13:00 CEST.
That's 12:00 Bristish Summer Time ...
22 months ago. Edited 22 months ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
Maintenance to servers on 27th July 2022 may disrupt the website.

Completed & service returned to normal.
2 years ago. Edited 23 months ago.
 Frank Merla
Frank Merla club
Thanks for adding!
Danke für's Adden!
Dankon pro aldono!
2 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?