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Updated on: 12 Jul 2024.

Le bord de mer, album created on 18 Aug 2020

64 items in total.

About Richard Crépy

Place of residence: France

Member of the club since 2020 12 042 visits

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Petar Bojić Mariagrazia Gaggero StoneRoad2013 Annemarie Andreas Boettcher Fred Fouarge Nathalie Berny Karl Hartwig Schütz HelenaPF en longue pause aNNa schramm Jean-louis Thiaudiere Annaig56 Jean-Paul sea-herdorf Josiane Dirickx Jean-luc Drouin Marco F. Delminho michael / nureinmoment / Danielle Gerard Payrou Robert Swanson François Manchon


 François Manchon
François Manchon
Merci pour l'ajout
3 years ago.
 Richard Crépy
Richard Crépy club
Thanks !
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Welcome to Ipernity.
4 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?