Group: " 100% - My home is my castle "

Autumn Leaves Above.

My coat of arms

In The Fridge.

My heart blooms in my garden

My garden flowers

Today the meditation corner is available

Sleepy Honey.

For a long time this anthurium reblooms in this pl… far there are still flowers...

Dahlias in full swing

EURO 2024, today, 17:00, Turkey versus Portugal

São Marcelo Fort

Princess earrings are back

Since a long time I didn't sea in my garden any bu…

Tritt ein - HFF

A garden's corner

Beloved by RD ;))

Camogli : poco spazio per costruire : le case hann…

Afternoon Snack.

Yesterday afternoon, today morning

Early Summer.

Albarregas River.

"Cat on a Hot Stone Wall"

April carpet honoring my walking over