Group: " ART of Graffiti "

Melbourne city street scape

Muros que recuerdan - hWW

Urban street

Urban street

Urban street

Belém Tower.

HWW to all friends and visitors

Glass container.

Tree - dependant as a child.



Mariachi in performance.

Painting on gliding door.

Ship around the corner.

Dataran Cheng Ho

Danse exotique sur façade

On façade of People's Kindergarten.

Electricity box.

Mural of Nelson Mandela's centennary.

Wall, by Addfuel.

Mani Wall

Painted on warehouse door.

Toyota Fuf Fuf

Zone de freins graffitiens

Zone cauchemardesque / Nightmare area

Graffitis de mauvais goût / Ugly graffitis