Group: Scandinavia (Denmark, Iceland, Faroes, Finland, Norway and Sweden)

Make the North Great Again!

Iceland, Húsavík Port, Movable Navigation Light

Iceland, Húsavík, Formannshus 1898

Time worn

Morning near Florø

Iceland, Húsavíkurkirkja

Iceland, Húsavík Wooden Church (Húsavíkurkirkja)

Horse fence

Iceland, The Place for Barbeque on the River Bank

Iceland, The Place for Barbeque in the Camp Hotel…


Signature Mountains of the Polar Circle

Iceland, Camp Hotel - Original North

Iceland, The River of Skjalfandafljot and Goðafoss…

A lot of water


Iceland, The Bridge across the River of Skjalfanda…

Iceland, The River of Skjalfandafljot

Iceland, On the Way from and to Goðafoss Waterfall

Stormen Library

Rincones de Estocolmo

Iceland, Approaching Goðafoss Waterfall