
Kees club

Posted: 03 Oct 2007

Taken: 09 Jul 2006

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toilet seat

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Behind a Toilet Seat

Behind a Toilet Seat
This person (who is me, btw) is wearing a double toilet seat for glasses: a promotion of a Dutch toilet paper company on occasion of the soccer championships, last year. It goes without saying that the original color was orange.

Unfortunately, the picture wasn’t sharp, and I felt obliged to make that less conspicuous.

, Sherry ~ Rebujito have particularly liked this photo

 Sherry ~ Rebujito
Sherry ~ Rebujito
LMAO well I still have a pic of you with orange glasses too from a while ago! I cherish it!!! :-DDDD
but this one good too!!!
16 years ago.
Kees club has replied to Sherry ~ Rebujito
And that one wasn’t sharp either! :-) A bad omen for our soccer team...
16 years ago.
Sherry ~ Rebujito has replied to Kees club
sharp enough! ;-PPPPP I'm thinking on making it my wallpaper :-DDDD but Darwin might get jealous since my wallpaper has been a flower collage he made for me over on censr many moons ago... LOL LOL LOL
16 years ago.
Kees club has replied to Sherry ~ Rebujito
Then don’t tell him!
16 years ago.
Sherry ~ Rebujito has replied to Kees club
LOL LOL LOL LOL he'd know...I'm too honest...can't tell a lie to save myself, even a lie of omission....a HUGE flaw of mine...hmmmm or a virtue ;-PPPPPP
oh and taking a teeny tiny morsel of truth and creating a gigantic fictional tale...can't do that well either :-DDDDD
16 years ago.

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