rod bally's photos

Cape Gannets "Sky-pointing", Lambert's Bay, South…

18 Sep 2020 58 20 1169
Sky-pointing is a ritual greeting between pair members

Cape Gannets at Lambert's Bay, South Africa

18 Sep 2020 39 15 392
Cape Gannet MORUS CAPENSIS on Bird Island, Lambert"s Bay, South African west coast.

Namaqualand spring flowers in the Biedouw valley

Namaqualand town scene

17 Sep 2020 18 4 342
Nieuwoudtville, Namaqualand, Northern Cape province, South Africa

Spring flowers, Nieuwoudtville, Namaqualand, South…

Dassie or Hyrax, Hermanus

05 Mar 2020 58 20 912
PROCAVIA CAPENSIS - Rock Hyrax. These are not rodents but distant relatives of the elephants


04 Mar 2020 39 12 676
Zeitz MOCAA gallery restaurant, Cape Town

Restaurant view across Walker Bay, Hermanus

27 Jan 2020 53 18 684
Hermanus, South Africa

Mating snails, Hermanus cliff path

29 Jan 2020 33 13 872
I should have posted this one week ago for St Valentine's Day!

Sidewalk clothing shop, Hermanus

30 Jan 2020 23 4 725
Hermanus, South Africa

Morning run across the Common

15 Feb 2020 37 10 772
Rondebosch Common, Cape Town

Worrying secondary glance

24 Jan 2020 44 12 753
Hermanus, South Africa

Ms Yin and Mr Yang on holiday

Hermanus Old Harbour, new yacht

Looking over the edge of a crumbling cliff

06 Sep 2019 37 15 761
At Cape Drastis, Corfu. Try the full screen view!

The bay at Kassiopi, Corfu

06 Sep 2019 14 5 694
Best on full screen

Conspicuous consumption

06 Sep 2019 29 9 1006
I wish I knew the name of the boat, but anonymity seems to be part of the "charm"...

100 items in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.