
Isisbridge club

Posted: 16 Aug 2014

Taken: 26 Jul 2014

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Thames footbridge

Thames footbridge
River Thames at Rewley, Oxford

Petar Bojić, have particularly liked this photo

30 comments - The latest ones
 Howard Somerville
Howard Somerville club
Willow Herb.
10 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
Purple loosestrife.
10 years ago. Edited 10 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
A very nice telephoto shot and very eye-catching with the unexpected colour on the banks. I'd just have changed the man's shirt to a warm (red, orange, brown or yellow) colour and cropped the picture a bit West and South.
10 years ago. Edited 10 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
If you changed his shirt, you'd have to change the reflection too.
But no cropping, please. It's nicely balanced as it is.
10 years ago.
 Howard Somerville
Howard Somerville club
Yes, on reflection, I would.

That's the problem; the bridge and figure are bang in the middle.
10 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
It's not a problem at all (only to your self-imposed rules). The picture is nicely balanced by the lighter foliage in the NW corner complementing the bright foliage in the SE, and the fact that one can trace the path around without actually seeing it..
10 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
When a picture is divided in half, the eye is led in two directions. That the eye mustn't be led in more than one direction is YOUR rule, not mine.
10 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
No, I don't have rules for photography: I just go by what looks right. It can be uncomfortable if the eye is being led in different directions, but that is not the case here. The line of the path leads us around the picture. I don't see it as in any way being divided in half.
10 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
And you don't do things by half.
10 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
Don't I? What's that supposed to mean?
10 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
As I've said before, the "rules" for photography are guides to precisely that - what, in practice, looks right.
10 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
Okay, so you don't need to worry about the rules when the picture LOOKS right.

This picture is alright. It's not brilliant, but it's alright. It doesn't need anything altering.

If I hadn't been so hot and weary (after being up all night), I might have moved around to get a better position or waited for a pedestrian with the right-coloured shirt, but this was just a quick snap on my way home, and it's ALRIGHT.
10 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
It IS alright, as I said. It's just a bit too much alleft and albottom.
10 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
If any cropping were to be done, it would be from the TOP, not the bottom. (SEE NOTE)
I've often thought your ideas of composition were somewhat skewed.
10 years ago. Edited 10 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
1. That is better; the bridge and figure are no longer dead-centre. I prefer the trees behind to the out-of-focus shrub, bottom right, but here, compromises are unavoidable.
2. Ditto. But when you get it right, your work is excellent.
10 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
Flattery will get you nowhere.
10 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
You accuse my tone-mapped pictures of flattery. Yet, when I turn up the contrast, you say they look unnatural. It does get me nowhere.
10 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
I agree. But you tell me it's 'art'. And it seems that anything goes with art.
(Except having your subject centre stage.)
10 years ago. Edited 10 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
How right thou art. The guidance embodied in conventional rules is irrelevant and worthless, and the only rule to which we should adhere is the rule that if the person who took the picture considers it to be alright, and it is the picture that he or she wanted, then it IS alright. Glad we're agreed.
10 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
For the picture that YOU want, may I suggest that you stand there yourself in your warm red onesie, and I'll try to crop you west and south.
10 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
That would be a bridge too far.
10 years ago. Edited 10 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
Perhaps, because it doesn't always tally with the pictures' popularity on Flickr. Again and again, (my most recent trips included) after uploading my best pictures, I've then as an afterthought uploaded a couple of others which I'd initially rejected, and these 'also rans' turn out to be the most viewed and favourited.
10 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Howard Somerville club
Trust your critics to be more discerning than your flickrphants.
10 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
I am aware of the fact that very few of my pictures are perfect, and of the faults in the others. I am even aware of the faults when I am taking them.

If I uploaded only the perfect ones, my Flickr photostream would be precisely 3 pictures long.

In my judgement of what pictures are good enough to upload, I am influenced by my admirers as well as by my critics. Fortunately I also have some of the former, and some of them are themselves experienced and without question good photographers.
10 years ago. Edited 10 years ago.
 Dave Hilditch
Dave Hilditch
Beautiful image with lovely reflections.
10 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Dave Hilditch
Thank you, Dave, and I hope you're not too upset by having your vision split in half.
10 years ago.
Howard Somerville club has replied to Isisbridge club
As they said in Colonial days, divide and rule..
10 years ago.
 Petar Bojić
Petar Bojić club
Really nice shot!
3 years ago.
Isisbridge club has replied to Petar Bojić club
Thank you, Petar. I'm glad someone likes it despite all the things that are wrong with it.
3 years ago.
Isisbridge club
Thames Path footbridge
17 months ago.

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