dsglass' photos

08 Aug 2024 2 1 16
Rango enjoying a lovely fresh-picked salad. :)
07 Jun 2024 2 1 24
Sophie took her new summer shoes out for a test-run at school the other day. :)
02 May 2024 3 2 31
Rango's finally awake! :) He came out of his burrow mid-afternoon on 5/2, basked in the sun, ate a bunch of mulberry leave and some flowers, and took a stroll around his garden before heading back home. :)
05 Apr 2024 1 42
Crappy tablet-pic with crappy hotel lighting. :D But my first faceting project! :)
05 Apr 2024 39
Crappy tablet pic, crappy hotel lighting. Hader to see the facets in this one, but a better image of the inside of the marble... Looking forward to experimenting both with my new faceting tool and with photoraphing faceted glass marbles. :)
22 Mar 2024 26
Brown-eyed primrose (Chylismia claviformis)
22 Mar 2024 28
Desert sand verbena (Abronia villosa)
22 Mar 2024 25
Spotted in the wild! :) Recently I participated in a tortoise habitat plant survey/trash cleanup event; he's the only tort we saw, but we found a number of burrows, and lots of signs of tortoise activity (half-eaten plants, poop - some recent, some well-aged from last season. :D ). We also saw some birds and lizards (mostly just a flash of tail as they scampered away), and *tons* of wildflowers - with all the rain we've had this year, spring is getting off to a good start! :D
22 Mar 2024 27
Tortoise biologist checking out the tortoise we spotted. :)
22 Mar 2024 25
I recently participated in a Tortoise Habitat plant survey/trash cleanup event out in the desert. Before we wandered off to photograph plants and look for signs of tortoise activity the organizers talked about snake awareness/safety; right in the middle of that we saw the tortoise biologist walking towards us from the parking area, carrying a covered bucket. He'd heard what sounded like air leaking out of a tire, looked under his truck and found a beautiful Mojave Green rattlesnake. :) The snake was extremely active - he could only carefully raise the lid for a few seconds at a time before snakey tried to fly out - and his rattle was going... (once everyone got a good look at the snake he released it a safe-ish distance away)
18 Mar 2024 33
Fig and blood orange trees. Between these two, the two mulberries on the left, and the baby desert willow and palo verdes (see notes) my backyard will be nice and shady in like five years... :D
18 Mar 2024 29
The two mulberry trees I planted last summer survived the winter! :D

4173 items in total