
Berny club

Posted: 05 Jan 2009

Taken: 03 Jan 2009

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Eastern Styria

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Sunset behind black clouds

Sunset behind black clouds
Eastern Styria

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14 comments - The latest ones
 Michèle Tarasco
Michèle Tarasco
Quelle lumière !!!!
Elle est magique ta PDV
Bravo !!
15 years ago.
Berny club has replied to Michèle Tarasco
For me the field looks like a lake reflecting the sun,....thanks a lot Michèle!
15 years ago.
 Franck Alleron
Franck Alleron
oui splendide!!!!!!
15 years ago.
Berny club has replied to Franck Alleron
Merci beaucoup Franck!
15 years ago.
 Michel Beauvisage
Michel Beauvisage
superbe encore !
15 years ago.
Berny club has replied to Michel Beauvisage
Merci Michel!
15 years ago.
Lebojo club
superbe !!!!!!!!!!
15 years ago.
Berny club has replied to Lebojo club
Merci beaucoup Lebojo!
15 years ago.
15 years ago.
Berny club has replied to guenievre
Thank you very much, guenievre!
15 years ago.