
Berny club

Posted: 24 Jun 2008

Taken: 24 Jun 2008

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Tapi Aike

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990 visits

Tapi Aike - House of the Cook

Tapi Aike - House of the Cook
Estancia Tapi Aike of Don Enrique....
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, , and 2 other people have particularly liked this photo

 Ulrich Dinges
Ulrich Dinges club
was für eine Kombination Küchenherd mit Sofa
16 years ago.
Berny club has replied to Ulrich Dinges club
ich vermute, dass es manchmal ein bißchen kalt ist in der Gegend, woraus sich diese Kombination anbietet....;-)
16 years ago.
 mo |
mo |
i love the colours and the atmosphere of this pic !!! you're travelling a lot ,
aren't you ? wonderful view like taken out of a fairy tale !
16 years ago.
Berny club has replied to mo |
thanks, mo! may be, it seems so, as I would travel very much, but though I'm self employed, my usual holiday time per year is 3 to 5 weeks :-( I'm still "new" here in ipernity, joined on april 5th, for me its a wonderful opprtunity to relive the trips of the last years and share the I intend to scan the slides of my last trips, e.g. the next will be "10000 km USA-West by Harley".......
16 years ago.