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Ghost sign, Arcade Hotel

Ghost sign, Arcade Hotel

Don Barrett (aka DBs travels), Léopold, Sylvain Wiart, and 3 other people have particularly liked this photo

11 comments - The latest ones
 Old Owl
Old Owl club
I always feel a little wistful when I see these faded signs on brickwork, especially when I remember them being bright and new. It’s part of getting older, I guess; our past becomes history. Thank goodness for photographs which can not only record our pasts but bring them alive to us once again. Sorry, rather pretentious, I know, but I hope you understand what I’m getting at … I hate the idea of our present being consigned unrecorded into history. Thanks, Diane for recording your community as it is, warts and all.
6 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Old Owl club
I understand exactly what you mean! It's a sad feeling to know that my grandchildren don't know about anything that I grew up with. When I try to tell them a few things, they're just bored - lol! I don't remember feeling that way about my grandparents' stories, in fact wish I'd written everything down! Thank you, O.O.!
6 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
Great find Diane..................and nicely taken. I think Old Owl has nailed the reasons I like it..!
6 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Keith Burton club
I think so, too, Keith! I'm turning awfully sentimental in my old age! ;-o Never thought that would happen, I've always been "the rational one" in my family. Lol!

Thank you very much.
6 years ago.
GrahamH club
Was rooster, now feather duster. Where the town/city has come from.
6 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to GrahamH club
Haha! I'm a feather duster myself, now, Graham. ;-b
6 years ago.
GrahamH club has replied to Diane Putnam club
6 years ago.
Léopold club
Where ghosts & squatters live in solidarity.
6 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Léopold club
No squatters in that building, but plenty of ghosts...and spiders and mice! Merci, Leopold!
6 years ago.
Léopold club has replied to Diane Putnam club
A very tasty buffet in a nutshell Diane then !
6 years ago.
Diane Putnam club has replied to Léopold club
Arrrghhh! Mice and spider cassoulet? ;-/
6 years ago.

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