The ima team proposes changes in the following parts of the ima statutes:


Section 1 – Membership requirements: Membership (basic or premium) is open to any physical person aged 16 years or older. Membership is granted upon payment of the annual membership fee.

Section 3 – Members' rights: Each member may vote for the election of the members of the Board. Members age 21 or older may be elected to the Board. Premium members are entitled to use all features of the platform. Basic membership comes with some limitations published on the Association’s website.


Section 1 – Ipernity General Assembly: An Annual Meeting of Members shall be held in March. The date and time shall be decided by the President. Given the global nature of the Association, the meeting shall be held online. The details and related procedures shall be communicated in the invitation to the Ipernity General Assembly. At the Ipernity General Assembly, members (basic and premium) elect the Board members due for election, receive annual reports on the activities of the Association and determine the direction of the Association for the coming year. By majority vote of the members present at the Ipernity General Assembly, the Board and its members will be discharged from all responsibilities with respect to the activities covered in the annual reports.


Section 2 – Term and membership: The Auditors will be elected for one year and can only be re-elected after a pause of at least one year. Any member including advisors may be elected as Auditors except for members of the Board.

Proposed amendments, English version
Modifications proposées, version française
Änderungsvorschläge, deutsche Version