This article contains the text of my reply to a member who had made several group recommendations for my recently-uploaded photos.

"Thank you for the recommendations. It is time-consuming for me to work through all of them, because I am not familiar with the many groups on Ipernity. Given enough time, I can evaluate each group to decide whether I can join or not, and whether that photo, or perhaps some other photo would fit within the group's rules.

I don't have time every day to study the group recommendations, but right now, I do have the time to upload new photos, and get them into the groups that I know about.

I am about to remove myself from Flickr (over 8,000 images), after many years, and will keep a large number of images on Ipernity. However, I expect that the uploading,
captioning and identification will take a lot of time."

I beg everyone's patience, as I add photos.