Kees' groups

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Public groups in which Kees is a member

  • Worldwide Food & Drinks

    Worldwide Food & Drinks

    Created 17 years ago

    International, traditional, food & drink shots, recipes from all over the world. Candy? Beer? Wine? Meat? BBQ? Anything food & beverage related goes here... Happy sharing! :)

  • Cemetery


    Created 17 years ago

    The Group for all cemetery-pics. Please tag your pics with the name of the city, thank You!

  • Funny Animals

    Funny Animals

    Created 16 years ago

    Funny Animals!

  • Cloud is the Color

    Cloud is the Color

    Created 16 years ago

    ... to say it with Pink Floyd. This is just the right place to show all your amazing, stunning, colorful, "Wow" cloud shots! Winner of the "only clouds" contest Winners of "fluffy clouds" contest:

  • Grain is good!

  • blue hour

    blue hour

    Created 17 years ago

    The time of the day, where you have this special mix of light: the sky is still blue (or red), but the lights in the streets are already burning. Time for the blues. Post your moody impressions here!

  • fog, dust, mist, brouillard, Nebel, nebbia, bruma

    fog, dust, mist, brouillard, Nebel, nebbia, bruma

    Created 17 years ago

    Fog sometimes gives you the opportunity to take photos of special fascination. In this group you are invited to present photos with fog veils, ground fog or high fog.

  • Bridges /=|=\

    Bridges /=|=\

    Created 17 years ago

    Some bridges are solid, imposing forms and some are extremely graceful. Some are concrete, some wooden, some are made out of bricks, some of stone and some are made of iron or steel. But they have all been built to cross something. Any kind of bridges are welcome here - bridges for motor vehicles, pedestrian bridges, train viaducts and aqueducts. It's your choice which you prefer to post. Please post only photos in which the bridge is the main subject and strictly dominates the photo (prefera…

  • Dogs!


    Created 17 years ago

    Post your dog pictures here. :o)

  • asymetrix


    Created 16 years ago

    minimal, simple, abstract, composed This is the group for all those who are off-center or enjoy being it once in a while :) we're looking for surprising compositions beyond symetrix. simple and pure . post your asymetricx pix here. please don't post: flowers, buildings, seaside, landscapes - as long as - there isn't something "minimalistix" and / or "abstractix" in them. also don't post : portraits and computer generated images - just the "real thing" ( ps is ok ) everyone apprecia…

  • Stolperstein


    Created 17 years ago

    « Here lived... » (Hier wohnte) A Stolperstein (German, "stumbling block"; plural Stolpersteine) is a monument created by Gunter Demnig which commemorates a victim of the Holocaust. Stolpersteine are small, cobblestone-sized memorials for an individual victim of Nazism. They commemorate individuals- both those who died and survivors- who were consigned by the Nazis to prisons, euthanasia facilities, sterilization clinics, concentration camps, and extermination camps, as well as those who respond…