Sweetlife's groups

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Public groups in which Sweetlife is a member

  • white background - on white - - weißer Hintergrund - auf Weiß

    white background - on white - - weißer Hintergrund - auf Weiß

    Created 4 years ago

    Der Hintergrund muß WEISS sein. - WEISS ist WEISS Engl. : - The background must be WHITE. - WHITE is WHITE Franz.: - Le fond doit être BLANC. - Le BLANC c'est le BLANC Ital.: - Lo sfondo deve essere BIANCO. Il BIANCO è BIANCO

  • Another view of the world

    Another view of the world

    Created 16 years ago

    With a little imagination, we can have a different view of our world. Exhibit this vision here. For invitations and comments please use following code. Copy and paste the whole line : < a href=" www.ipernity.com/group/29029 " > Another view of the world < /a> This should look like this : Another view of the world > WINNERS OF GAME N°4 " HEAT " first place "sweet heat" by be-mo-re second place " MMMo*-re heat " by franck*oO** " third place "fu…

  • Sunbeams


    Created 6 years ago

    Pictures with our sun and its "rays" (sun stars) consciously or unconsciously generated with the camera aperture. Sunbeams MUST be visible! Have fun

  • Little People

    Little People

    Created 7 years ago

    Die Minimenschen auf Entdeckungsreise durch die große Welt. Mit Minimenschen sind Spielfiguren und kleine Skulpturen gemeint, die in einer eigenen Welt zu leben scheinen, wie zum Beispiel LEGO-Figuren oder ähnliche Spielfguren. Es können zum Beispiel auch selbst gestaltete Figuren aus Knetmasse oder ähnlichem Material sein. Bilder von realen Personen und Kindern werden entfernt und sind nicht zugelassen, auch keine Bilder, die mit KI erstellt sind. ___________________________ The mini people…



    Created 8 years ago

    Je vous propose de réunir et partager dans ce groupe vos créations qui n'auront comme but que de nous amener à rêver, à voyager, à s'émerveiller, nous émouvoir, rire..... Toutes vos créations seront acceptées, les fractales, les peintures, les collages, le travail digital sur vos photos, ainsi que tout ce qui révèlera une création. Soyez les bienvenus, au plaisir de découvrir vos trésors créatifs.



    Created 8 years ago

    Je vous invite à partager vos photos, vos créations autour du thème de l'enfance éblouie et que nous puissions ainsi nous émerveiller de la vie ensemble ! J'appelle tous les membres de ce groupe à une extrême vigilance concernant les photos où des enfants sont présents. Seules les photos de vos enfants, de vos proches ou vous même seront acceptées dans ce groupe afin d'éviter des problèmes juridiques avec les parents. Merci par avance de respecter cette règle absolue.

  • Cordophone Musical Instruments

    Cordophone Musical Instruments

    Created 10 years ago

    Traditional music (works and instruments) imposes itself from generation to generation as a regional and national culture and an intangible heritage providing communities and groups with a sense of identity, excellence and distinction, and an essential criterion for cultural diversity and human creativity.

  • The beauty of my homeland, the beauty of my city

    The beauty of my homeland, the beauty of my city

    Created 9 years ago

    Show how beautiful your homeland is, how beautiful your city is!...

  • 10-Week Picture Projects: Taking A Time-Out :)

    10-Week Picture Projects: Taking A Time-Out :)

    Created 9 years ago

    This group features photography projects which are once-a-week submissions that follow a specific weekly theme. Previous project was Textures, and we are currently having a break in our projects. A new project will be announced in 2016, see you then! :) Diese Gruppe beinhaltet Photografie-Projekte, die jede Woche ein eigenes Thema haben. Das letzte Projekt hieß: Gegensätze. Das neue Projekt hat "Texturen/Oberflächen" zum Thema und startet am 14. September. Das erste Thema wird "weich" sein. Jed…

  • Group of Artists, creators of Beauty: Words, Music, Image and Professional Translators of Literary Texts.

    Group of Artists, creators of Beauty: Words, Music, Image and Professional Translators of Literary Texts.

    Created 10 years ago

    Objectives: Promotion of Artists-Creators: - In the field of Words: a) the poets, novelists, essayists, specializing in promoting the Beauty and high values in his work for adults and children b) professional literary translators and native-speakers; - In the field of Music: a) artists-musicians, soloists, singers, instrumentalists, bands: b) composers of different styles and genres of music; - In the field of Image: visual artists, painters, sculptors, photographers, graphic desig…

  • Wonderful Sunsets

    Wonderful Sunsets

    Created 17 years ago

    To capture those wonderful sunsets wherever they occur

  • Photographs of when we were children

    Photographs of when we were children

    Created 16 years ago

    With family, friends, school........



    Created 11 years ago

    Pictures of Nature: Landscapes with sea, beach, rivers, trees, animals, people, plants, flowers...NOT MAN MADE THINGS, such as buildings, cars, roads, etc... Pictures that don't fit the purpose of the group will be removed without warning! As I'm not still 100% recovered from my last surgery, appreciate if you keep an eye in the group and let me know if you see something wrong! Thank you!!! Photos de Nature: Paysages avec la mer, la plage, les rivières, les arbres, les animaux, les gens, le…

  • Enchanted Forest

    Enchanted Forest

    Created 16 years ago

    PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING FOR THE FIRST TIME: We love capturing magical, mystical, haunted, mysterious, other-worldly, even ominous, forests and woods; places not readily seen, only rumored to exist in our collective memory or fable. The world of elves, ogres and gremlins. If your picture evokes that kind of magic, post it here. No cute or cuddly, ok? PLEASE ONLY POST PICS THAT YOU HAVE TAKEN YOURSELF, THANKS. Check out these pics to see what this group is all about:

  • Con otra mirada

    Con otra mirada

    Created 12 years ago

    Hay que presentar un objeto, un detalle, un autensilio...lo que queramos desde otro punto de vista. Un punto de vista desde el que no estemos acostumbrados a verlo, original, distinto, rompedor, que no parezca lo que es. Podemos añadirle mediante una nota o una fotografia el objeto con el punto de vista habitual para que sepamos que és. También incluiremos en este grupo fotografías que puedan tener un punto de vista diferente, la mirada fotográfica será su protagonista.

  • Fuentes para beber

    Fuentes para beber

    Created 16 years ago

    Cualquier tipo de fuente, que pueda usarse para beber agua, la fuente puede estar sóla o con gente bebiendo.

  • Locks, keys and door handles

    Locks, keys and door handles

    Created 15 years ago

    Do these opening and closing systems catch your attention? Please share your views.

  • Royal crowns, imperial, military.... _ Escudos reales, imperiales, militares, etc.



    Created 13 years ago

    Todo lo relacionado con los aeropuertos. Vistas desde los aviones Nombrar los lugares.

  • Tren, bus, avión, tram..; no coches, no bicicletas, no barcos.....

    Tren, bus, avión, tram..; no coches, no bicicletas, no barcos.....

    Created 15 years ago

    Transportes comunitarios, no coches, no bicicletas, no barcos.