Lars Sözüer's groups

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Public groups in which Lars Sözüer is a member

  • Zamenhof/Esperanto-objektoj


    Created 16 years ago

    Tiu-ĉi grupo celas kunigi dokumentoj pri la ZEO-'ZAmenhof/Esperanto-objektoj) : ĉiaj stratoj, placoj, monumentoj, tabuloj troviĝantaj en la tuta mondo honore de Z(amenhof) aŭ E(speranto) Listo de ZEO-j tra la mondo estas trovebla ĉe Vikipedio :

  • Harzgebirge


    Created 15 years ago

    Bilder aus dem höchsten Gebirge Norddeutschlands, dessen Städten, Menschen, Stetten und Sehenswürdigkeiten

  • raising India

    raising India

    Created 15 years ago

    India's raising. Share your witnessing in this group.

  • Fabelaj mondoj

    Fabelaj mondoj

    Created 13 years ago

    Niaj fabelaj mondoj

  • mosques& Islamic schools Art and Faith

    mosques& Islamic schools Art and Faith

    Created 16 years ago

    Islam religion and architcture of mosques

  • works of modern art on the street

    works of modern art on the street

    Created 15 years ago

    Sculptures, statues, representations, and so on. No graffiti, women, cars. Watching the first examples, and the icon.

  • Kochen, backen, braten --und drüber reden

    Kochen, backen, braten --und drüber reden

    Created 15 years ago

    Wir wollen Kochrezepte öffentlich machen und das Endprodukt hier darstellen....:) Hier soll nicht nur das Bild des fertigen Gerichts hochgeladen werden, sondern hier geht es in erster Linie um dessen Rezept. Bitte ladet ganz normal das Bild des Gerichts hoch, dann geht in die "DIskussionen", schreibt das Rezept dort auf und ladet das Bild medium dort noch einmal hoch. Ich wünsche uns allen viel Spaß!

  • Stolperstein


    Created 17 years ago

    « Here lived... » (Hier wohnte) A Stolperstein (German, "stumbling block"; plural Stolpersteine) is a monument created by Gunter Demnig which commemorates a victim of the Holocaust. Stolpersteine are small, cobblestone-sized memorials for an individual victim of Nazism. They commemorate individuals- both those who died and survivors- who were consigned by the Nazis to prisons, euthanasia facilities, sterilization clinics, concentration camps, and extermination camps, as well as those who respond…

  • instruistoj kaj lernantoj

    instruistoj kaj lernantoj

    Created 16 years ago

    Dear friends all over the world! I’m a teacher of foreign languages at a secondary school, chiefly I teach English, but some time ago I taught German and a little French as well. I am interested in some other languages. I invite you to make a group of teachers where we could discuss language-teaching problems and teaching other subjects is possible to discuss, too, I think. We also can share our experiences, tell about interesting cases occurred during our lessons. You probably could recall som…

  • India Song

    India Song

    Created 17 years ago

    India song is a movie made by Marguerite Duras in 1975, it was a cinematic curiosity, an exercise in artistic self-indulgence. This group is for those who love India. Its framework is multicultural, integrally personal and contemporarily relevant, sensual and hypnotically enigmatic with aesthetically images of several objects of fascination. It should try to reveal the imperceptible glow of eternity. bbb1 When you want to comment on a ph…

  • Trains videos

    Trains videos

    Created 15 years ago

    ⚠️ ADMIN WANTED ⚠️ Vidéos de trains / Trains videos Tramway, métro acceptés / Trams & subway accepted

  • Miam njam

    Miam njam

    Created 16 years ago

    Only delicious & yummy dishes.

  • Gold


    Created 16 years ago

    There's always a little bit of gold around us, you can post here your photos about it :)



    Created 16 years ago

    Monuments, monumenti, Denkmal, 記念碑,памятник, monumento,기념물 ! Monuments and memorials of all kinds - plaques, statues, buildings, gravestones, war memorials................... anything put up to remember something publicly.

  • Chapel church places of worship

    Chapel church places of worship

    Created 14 years ago

    Our aim is to show the diversity of church architecture and all places of worship. Post And Comment We do not tolerate pictures with motifs on or between comments.

  • Nordrhein-Westfalen  --- North Rhine-Westphalia

    Nordrhein-Westfalen --- North Rhine-Westphalia

    Created 16 years ago

    Treffpunkt und "Zuhause" der Nordrhein-Westfäler Bilder aus, über und von Nordrhein-Westfalen. Bitte gib uns eine kurze Info, wo sich das Objekt befindet. Entweder per Geotag, Beschreibung oder als Tag. Weitere Info's über Nordrhein-Westfalen, NRW -------------------------------------------------------------------- Weitere Gruppen zum Thema NRW : Nordrhein Westfalen : Cologne: Bonn: Ru…

  • In the sky, with diamonds !

    In the sky, with diamonds !

    Created 17 years ago

    Morning sky, sky of the night, twilight time... Heavens or sky ? ... ... Make pub for the group ? Past this code ! <img src=" " /> <a href=" ">Oh! Ciel !!!</a> Tadaaaaaaa ! Oh! Ciel !!!

  • FOTOJ  de FESTO 2013

    FOTOJ de FESTO 2013

    Created 11 years ago

    Pri fotoj de la partoprenantoj de FESTO 2013

  • ORO... GOLD... OR... χρυσός

    ORO... GOLD... OR... χρυσός

    Created 12 years ago

    Fotos donde el color oro es predominante.



    Created 14 years ago

    Fontaines, maisons, châteaux, ponts, hameaux, ruines, moulins, escaliers ...