Rudi Valtiner's groups

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Public groups in which Rudi Valtiner is an administrator

  • Alpenblumen / Alpine flowers

    Alpenblumen / Alpine flowers

    Created 11 years ago

    In diese Gruppe gehören Fotos von Blumen, die hauptsächlich in den Alpen wachsen. To this group belong photos of flowers which grow primarily in the Alps.

  • Austria


    Created 16 years ago

    Pictures which show this remarkable little country in its entire diversity. * With statement of place and/or GEO-location, please. *

  • Austrians on ipernity / Österreicher auf ipernity

    Austrians on ipernity / Österreicher auf ipernity

    Created 9 years ago

    Eine Gruppe für alle jene, die ihren Wohnort in Österreich haben und daher hauptsächlich Fotos in Österreich machen. Das soll österreichischen Fotografen helfen sich gegenseitig auf ipernity zu finden und deren Fotos kennen zu lernen. A group for all those who are living in Austria and make therefore photos primary in Austria. This should help Austria photographers to find other Austrians on ipernity and to increase our knowledege of each other Austrian photographer and his/her photos on iper…

  • Berries


    Created 9 years ago

    Pictures of berries. any time of year, any colour, wild or cultivated. Real berries, not craftwork or paintings. They should be still on the plant, or maybe on the ground, but not tastefully arranged to make a work of art, nor decorating food or drinks!

  • Burgenland


    Created 11 years ago

    Hierher gehören Photos von Landschaften, Gebäuden und sonstigen Dingen, die das Burgenland repräsentieren. To this group belong photos of landscapes, buildings and otther things which represent the Austrian country Burgenland.

  • Bäche und Flüsschen / Creeks and brooks

    Bäche und Flüsschen / Creeks and brooks

    Created 8 years ago

    Fotos von natürlichen Bächen und kleineren Flüsschen im Gebirge, im Wald oder auch in der Ebene sind hier willkommen. In dieser Gruppe geht es um die Schönheit kleinerer Wasserläufe. Fotos von Strömen wie Donau. Rhein oder Rhone sowie ihrer direkten Nebenflüsse sind für dies Gruppe nicht gedacht. Photos from natural creeks and brooks in the mountains, in forests or in the lowlands are welcome here. The focus in this group is the Beauty of smaller watercourses. This group is NOT intended for pho…

  • Carinthia


    Created 11 years ago

    To this group belong photos of landscapes, buildings or things which represent the Austrian country Carinthia.

  • Donkey's Ears

    Donkey's Ears

    Created 10 years ago

    Donkeys were among the first animals after cats and dogs to associate with man, and were certainly one of the first draught animals used by man when he took up agriculture. Donkeys originally arrived in Britain many centuries ago with the Roman legions. The Romans used them both as pack animals and harnessed four abreast to draw wagons full of supplies. The donkey soon found its place: wherever there was hard work and little reward. Later we can find working donkeys, harnessed and drawing a car…

  • FOUGÈRES, fern, farn

    FOUGÈRES, fern, farn

    Created 12 years ago

    Fougères du monde entier. Ferns over the world. Farn von ganzen Welt. "

  • Hill Walking/Hiking/Trekking/Backpacking

    Hill Walking/Hiking/Trekking/Backpacking

    Created 10 years ago

    From singe day trail walks to multi day mountain expeditions all hiking photos are welcome here

  • houses


    Created 16 years ago

    manor houses, country/town houses, estates, unusual houses, quaint houses, modern/ancient/beautiful/ugly houses.... but not ordinary from palaces and castles to mud huts

  • Mediterranean Sea   / Mittelmeer   /  Mer Méditerranée   /   Mare Mediterraneo

    Mediterranean Sea / Mittelmeer / Mer Méditerranée / Mare Mediterraneo

    Created 10 years ago

    Das ist die Gruppe für alle Fotos die das Mittelmeer, seine Küstenlandschaften, Strände, Häfen, Badenixen, Urlaubsmomente und Sehenswürdigkeiten zeigen - von Gibraltar über Spanien, Frankreich, Italien, Slowenien, Kroatien, Montenegro, Albanien, Griechenland, Türkei, Syrien, Libanon, Israel bis nach Ägypten, und weiter über Lybien, Tunesien und Algerien bis nach Marokko. Und alle Inseln mitten drin wie die Balearen mit Mallorca, Ibiza, Menorca, dann natürlich Korsika, Sardinien, Sizilien, all je…

  • Mosses


    Created 11 years ago

    Photographs of mosses, preferably including the scientific name, photographed with the intent to show the plant in a lifelike representation.

  • Mountains of the Alps

    Mountains of the Alps

    Created 9 years ago

    Images of mountains in the Alps, in whole or in part.

  • Niederösterreich, Lower Austria

    Niederösterreich, Lower Austria

    Created 11 years ago

    Niederösterreichs Landschaften, Burgen, Schlösser oder auch Veranstaltungen. Bitte nur selbst erstellte Aufnahmen in diese Gruppe hochladen. Lower Austria's landscapes, castles, palaces, or events. Please upload only images created in this group.

  • Oberösterreich / Upper Austria

    Oberösterreich / Upper Austria

    Created 11 years ago

    Hierher gehören Fotos von Landschaften, Gebäuden und sonstigen Dingen, die das Land Oberösterreich repräsentieren. To this group belong photos of landscapes, buildings and other things which represent the Austria country Upper Austria.

  • Salzburg


    Created 11 years ago

    Here we collect photos of landscapes, buildings and other motifs that are characteristic of the Austrian province of Salzburg.

  • Styria


    Created 11 years ago

    To this group belong photos from landscapes, buildings or other things which represent the Austrian country Styria.

  • Subterranean


    Created 9 years ago

    Under the surface of the earth: grotto, caves, shafts and mines of the world. Please be sure to include the name and approximate location (e.g., nearest village) as keywords for each photo.

  • Tyrol


    Created 11 years ago

    To this group belong photos of landscapes, buildings and other things which represent the Austrian country Tyrol.