Laurence's groups

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Public groups in which Laurence is a member

  • 0P3N.synthetic art

    0P3N.synthetic art

    Created 16 years ago

    This is an 0P3N sub-group. Please post no photos here. only computer made art should be shown here. Please feel free to make your creation rise up ! some subgroups that do not exist yet : 0pen.synthetic art.artificialFractals 0pen.synthetic art.paintingWithTheMouse 0pen.synthetic art.photoshopWork 0pen.synthetic art.Orton PS : The standard icon is synthetic art too ;) !

  • Au bonheur des dames.................................

    Au bonheur des dames.................................

    Created 9 years ago

    Créations et accessoires modes : foulards - chapeaux- chaussures - lingerie - sacs - etc...... un ensemble au service de la féminité. Des créations plutôt que des compositions - éviter les images prises sur le Net et les photos, même très jolies mais qui ne sont pas en rapport avec le thème. Le nouveau nom : FROUFROU............ POUR REVENIR AU THEME INITIAL DU GROUPE ET DONT IL N'EST PAS TOUJOURS TENU COMPTE...............MERCI ET CHALEUREUSE BIENVENUE !

  • dunkel und geheimnisvoll

    dunkel und geheimnisvoll

    Created 13 years ago

    Wie der Gruppen-Name schon sagt, dunkle, düstere und geheimnisvolle Bilder.

  • A l'Atelier

    A l'Atelier

    Created 9 years ago

    Aesthetic and artistic creations in painting, pastel, oil, sculpture, abstract art, art objects, artistic photos. Please make sure that you ONLY post images that relate to this theme. We reserve the right to delete any creation that does not correspond to the theme of this group... Thank you for your understanding!

  • Experimentations


    Created 16 years ago

    Sorciers du temps d'exposition, effets de Zoom, fantômes et autres trainées de lumières, ce groupe est le vôtre! Pour tous ceux qui font de la magie à partir de scènes réelles, rendent le banal extraordinaire et font honneur à l'etymologie de la photographie "peindre avec la lumière". A group for all picture's wizards whose have fun with long exposure time, Zoom or ghostly effects. If you make everyday life looks singular and magic, then come and show us how you "paint with the light".…

  • L'art et la manière ...

    L'art et la manière ...

    Created 13 years ago

    Partager des idées, des techniques ...

  • Fenster


    Created 10 years ago

    Fenster in allen Formen und Farben, egal ob mit oder ohne Gardine, egal ob alt oder neu, Einblicke oder Ausblicke, blank geputzt oder staubig, mit oder ohne Fensterscheibe.

  • reflective drops

    reflective drops

    Created 11 years ago

    Photos of drops (or reflection not especially in the water) 1) Photos of drops with or without reflections. 2) Any other expressive reflection (no reflections too dark) on the water, the sea, the windows, day and night and ......

  • Dominos party

    Dominos party

    Created 9 years ago

    Shift emotions ! The dotted line - your photograph is the next dot of the journey ! "Ni tout à fait la même, ni tout à fait une autre." Suivez le fil de l'histoire et racontez la suite !

  • Le bistro

    Le bistro

    Created 14 years ago

    Un lieu d'échange et de discussion en langue française sur tout et rien

  • Hands and arms

    Hands and arms

    Created 12 years ago

    Hands and arms

  • Abandoned Places

    Abandoned Places

    Created 14 years ago

    Pictures of places that were left for some reason.

  • Smile's club

    Smile's club

    Created 9 years ago

    Shots of funny things or situations. Photos that make us smile. --- Fotos de situacions o coses simpàtiques. Fotos que ens facin somriure.

  • Nature.. Light and Color

    Nature.. Light and Color

    Created 10 years ago

    L'arte vista sotto tutte le sue forme di espressività, in un continuo divenire,in un moltiplicarsi all'infinito di forme e colori,in una totale ansia d'infinito! The art view in all its forms of expression, in a continuous becoming, in a multiply indefinitely shapes and colors in a total anxiety of infinity!

  • Art is Art

    Art is Art

    Created 16 years ago

    Is it Art? Fortunately,tastes vary as much as interpretation. I certainly know what Art is - as I am sure that you know as well. To incite, to move, to express, to report, to share, to display, -Art is used for these purposes, and always there are other forms and uses. Art is what we say it is. Please hasten to add your Art to this group...

  • Everyone's Photo Pool

    Everyone's Photo Pool

    Created 10 years ago

    1. This group welcomes all kinds of photos and images. Normally, the only ones disallowed will be those depicting sexual acts and sexual arousal. The promotion of hatred and violence will not be tolerated but the exposure of such undesirable elements in our world will be. 2. It is a general group without any codes. It is being created simply for all on Ipernity to enjoy each other's work. 3.It does not bar the use of the words "Seen in" as taboo words but certainly doesn't encourage them. 4.…

  • vélo


    Created 16 years ago

    Please post pictures of bicycles of all kinds. It doesn't matter if someone is riding, as long as the bicycle is clearly visible. Interesting details are welcome as well.

  • L'insolite vélo

    L'insolite vélo

    Created 13 years ago

    Le vélo dans des situations cocasses

  • Catching a leaf

    Catching a leaf

    Created 11 years ago

    Pictures of leaves or petals.

  • 25+ Favourites

    25+ Favourites

    Created 17 years ago

    Pictures with 25 ⭐ or more See also the sister groups: 5+ Favourites 10+ Favourites 15+ Favourites 20+ Favourites 30+ Favourites 40+ Favourites 50+ Favourites 75+ Favourites 100+ Favourites