About John Sheldon club

John Sheldon

From: Leeds, Yorkshire, England

I am a busy grandparent who tries to find time for making pictures and loves looking at and learning from other people's pictures.

My own pictures seem to be the way I express my relationship with the world, images of the things I see and the way I see them.

Processing is done using a desktop PC with a 23" monitor configured to 120 candelas, white point 6500k and gamma 2.2. Software is SilkyPix and Affinity Photo software, and an Epson Perfection V750 scanner.

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Occupation: Retired


Music, photography and reading. Looking at pictures and things in the world. I like to be out in the fresh air.

Favorite music and artists:

CD collection extends from 12th century to end of 20th century.

Favorite movies and actors:

The Ladykillers (Peter Sellers version). Jurassic Park. Hamlet (David Tennant). The Sunshine Boys (Walter Matthau, George Burns). Gladiator. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Café. A Private Function; Chicken Run.

Favorite books and authors:

The Odyssey by Homer. The Aeneid by Virgil. The Divine Comedy by Dante. East of Eden by John Steinbeck. The Children of Húrin by J R R Tolkien. Small Gods and Eric by Terry Pratchett. Several Shakespeare plays. Paradise Lost by John Milton. Most novels by Graham Greene, John le Carre and Evelyn Waugh. Books on Mesopotamian, Nordic, Roman and Greek mythology; Ancient Greek plays (in English!).