Amazingstoker's groups

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Public groups in which Amazingstoker is a member

  • UK Landscape Photography

    UK Landscape Photography

    Created 15 years ago

    This is a group for posting beautiful photos of the UK landscape. You are welcome to post up to two photos a day here but please try to avoid multiple captures of the same scene at the same time.

  • Canon 50mm 1.4

  • monochromatic -  stylistic -  anonymity ----

    monochromatic - stylistic - anonymity ----

    Created 9 years ago

    ***Please read carefully before posting your photographs*** Monochrome photographs of a 'man-altered landscape' that are stripped of any artistic frills and reduced to an essentially topographic state, conveying substantial amounts of visual information but eschewing entirely the aspects of beauty, emotion and opinion,." "[...] rigorous purity, deadpan humour and a casual disregard for the importance of the images. Monochrome Fotografien einer durch den Menschen veränderten Landschaft, von jed…



    Created 11 years ago

    The purpose of this group is to send kind regards to each other once a week, on Fridays. For this purpose, post images that show any kind of a fence. (Fences are common all over the world and can be shown in many different ways.) Have fun with it! Please note: - Only one image a week! - No nude pictures! - Respect the start and stop signs! Violations of these rules will be deleted without further notice.

  • Urban Decay et Décrépitudes Urbaines

    Urban Decay et Décrépitudes Urbaines

    Created 10 years ago

    All kinds of urban sites and building which have seen better days. Toutes sortes de vues urbaines et immeubles qui ont connus de meilleurs jours.

  • National Trust

    National Trust

    Created 16 years ago

    This is a group for photographs of National Trust properties and gardens. Pictures of beaches or other land owned by the trust are welcome too as are National Trust for Scotland properties. To find out of your pictures are of properties owned by the National Trust check out their website at please tag your picture nationaltrust

  • I D  please

    I D please

    Created 10 years ago

    If you have something you need identified post it here with pertinent information like location. Please leave it in here - with ID - in case somebody else has the same question. Thanks, Peggy

  • The GIMP

    The GIMP

    Created 16 years ago

    Images made with, photos post processed with, discussions about the use of: The GIMP

  • Help with Photography & Equipment ...

    Help with Photography & Equipment ...

    Created 5 years ago

    Thought I would start a Group with help on Photography & equipment. So if you have any questions that you might need help with , put it into the Discussions with a very Short heading what your enquiry is about. Hopeful someone with some knowledge might be able to help. It is an open Group so please spread the word. Also be nice to see some of your images.....But no Nudes or Soft Porn, they will be removed ...



    Created 14 years ago

    PLEASE, READ OUR RULES : This is a group for artist and THEIR works... so, please, post images which are created by YOURSELF, not images of artworks of somebody els. no racism, no violence, no porn, no copyright infringement, please! ! thanks a lot, have fun ! ;-) NIcht akzeptiert werden: pornographische Darstellung, Gewalt, rassistische Äußerungen sowie Abbildungen von Skulpturen. Wir bitten, dieses zu berücksichtigen! ENGLISH: This group was created for exceptional images of art. We…

  • Australia


    Created 16 years ago

    Photos from Down Under, which relate to Australia, pls don't post pictures of private events, which have no immediate relation to Australia. Please add the location in your description. If you post pictures of animals and/or plants pls be aware that there are groups for pets, this means no kitty cat pictures on this group. If you administer a group which is also related to Australia, please let me know, because I will add the link to this page, so that we have a complete list of specialized…

  • Whatever the Weather

    Whatever the Weather

    Created 9 years ago

    Pictures depicting weather events, such as rain, snow, storm clouds etc. This is not a group for sunrise/sunset, nor is it a group for seasons. No black and white photos No people in the picture - this is for weather events only

  • >>Pareidolia<<


    Created 8 years ago

    Pareidolie (altgr. παρα para ‚daneben‘, ‚vorbei‘ und εἴδωλον eidolon ‚Form‘, ‚Erscheinung‘) bezeichnet das Phänomen, in Dingen und Mustern vermeintliche Gesichter und vertraute Wesen oder Gegenstände zu erkennen. (aus: Wikipedia) Als Pareidolie wird eine Sinnestäuschung bezeichnet, bei der ein tatsächlich vorhandenes Objekt um ein nicht vorhandenes ergänzt wird. So können beispielsweise Gesichter in ein Muster interpretiert werden. Pareidolien kommen so wie Illusionen hauptsächlich bei Gesu…

  • Lost & Found

    Lost & Found

    Created 13 years ago

    Lost items, preferably on sidewalks or streets. Please no images of plain old garbage or litter; photos must depict items that were clearly put in their place unintentionally. The more displaced and weird the better. Thanks!

  • Secret London

    Secret London

    Created 11 years ago

    Inviting photo's of lesser know,hard to find,or rarely accessed parts of the London,England

  • shopping trolley

    shopping trolley

    Created 16 years ago

    A group for your photos of the ubiquitous shopping trolley.

  • Morgannwg / Glamorgan (Cymru  / Wales)

    Morgannwg / Glamorgan (Cymru / Wales)

    Created 10 years ago

    Lluniau a dynnwyd ym Morgannwg a lluniau o Forgannwg, ond rhodder lluniau o Gaerdydd yn y grŵp Pictures taken in Glamorgan & pictures of Glamorgan (Wales), but put photos of Cardiff in the group

  • Chairs - Stühle

    Chairs - Stühle

    Created 9 years ago

    Eine Sammlung für alles, was jeder Mensch auf der Welt jeden Tag benutzt: Stühle, Sessel, Sofas, Hocker... bitte: keine Bänke (dafür gibt es eigene Gruppen). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is room for the things everybody uses every day: Chairs, armchairs, sofas, stools... please: no benches ( there exist special groups) ======================================== Bitte nur Bilder, auf denen die Sitzgelegenheiten dominieren. KEINE Leute, die darauf sitzen. Aber Hintergrund ist mögl…

  • Créativité


    Created 9 years ago

    All photos, even artistically edited ones, that have been taken from a photo : Modern art, whether abstract, contemporary, impressionist or other.

  • naturey crap - crappy nature

    naturey crap - crappy nature

    Created 10 years ago

    A two-fold group - taken directly from two groups (that i love) of the same names on another photo site. So go with either or both: 1) "For those of us that really hate nature photos, but take them anyway. We may even do it well, and that pisses us off even more." ------------- 2) "Many people feel that their nature images are inadequate, or 'crappy'. This group welcomes any nature shots, even if they are crappy!" (I couldn't write the object of the group better than the originals - thus th…