Christel Ehretsmann's groups

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Public groups in which Christel Ehretsmann is an administrator

  • street artist

    street artist

    Created 15 years ago

    this is a group for all the street artist we have see. from 28 dec 2008

  • Ysplix


    Created 15 years ago

    Ysplix . The meaning of the word: During Olympic Games (and not only) in Classic Greece, they used to use a special mechanism to control the simultaneous starting of race horses, or racers. This mechanism, already used in 344 BC, was a system, positioned to the race start point, in front of racers, to avoid early starts. Was consisted of vertical wooden pales and twisted animal nerves. The mechanism was called Ysplix . We name our group using this symbolic word as a metaphor, to declare…

  • au bord du monde ancien...

    au bord du monde ancien...

    Created 15 years ago

    l'esprit belge a développé le surréalisme de Magrite à Delvaut, de Brel à Devos... La photo est aussi un moyen de dépasser ce qui est simplement visible et d'y donner l'absurde de la poésie...

  • Les plus beaux portraits d'Ipernity

    Les plus beaux portraits d'Ipernity

    Created 15 years ago

    Sélectionner et mettre en commun les plus beaux portraits croisés sur Ipernity.

  • 28+ Faves

    28+ Faves

    Created 15 years ago

    What's the group object? Obviously your document (photo / film / blog OR whatever) shoud have been voted 28 times or more. SISTER GROUPS ARE THE FOLLOWING : 3+ Faves We have fave groups in steps of 7 faves 7+ Faves 14+ Faves…

  • Dream


    Created 15 years ago

  • 35+ Faves

    35+ Faves

    Created 15 years ago

    What's the group object? Obviously your document (photo / film / blog OR whatever) shoud have been voted 35 times or more. SISTER GROUPS ARE THE FOLLOWING : 3+ Faves We have fave groups in steps of 7 faves 7+ Faves 14+ Faves…

  • Realidad Ficticia-Fictitious Reality

    Realidad Ficticia-Fictitious Reality

    Created 15 years ago

    El grupo, contendrá miembros que incorporen fotografías sobre artistas ,en los escenarios,en las pasarelas, en estudio, en la vida,de todo el mundo y todo aquello s que sugiera disfrazar la realidad..La idea es agrupar fotos de estudio de ficción,músicos,fashion,actores,etc,. El término" Realidad Ficticia" alude a la distancia entre la expresión externa del artista y su interior .También a la intencionalidad de engañar y/o esconderse.. On fictitious reality The Group wellcomes members that ma…

  • Flowers Of The World

    Flowers Of The World

    Created 15 years ago

    flowers of the world href=" ">

  • Mamans du monde...Mother of the world...

    Mamans du monde...Mother of the world...

    Created 16 years ago

    toutes les mamans du mondes.... all the mothers of the world....

Public groups in which Christel Ehretsmann is a moderator

  • DéliriumTrèsART


    Created 16 years ago

    pour ceux qui font tout et surtout de ce qui s'apparenterait à de l'art , avec pas grand chose :ou ce qu'ils ont sous la main au moment ou l'irrépressible besoin de créer les démange!!!! sensible!!! Carolll.H

  • Love


    Created 15 years ago

    Love : juste passion, amour, tendresse...

  • water,magical in all picture

    water,magical in all picture

    Created 9 years ago

    L'eau qui rend toute photo encore plus belle, dans la nature ou les paysages urbains

  • Coup de coeur animalier

    Coup de coeur animalier

    Created 12 years ago

    Objectif du groupe : Soumettre vos photos "coup coeur" dans le beau monde animalier. Vous pouvez soumettre uniquement les photos des autres membres Iper, (C'EST POURQUOI VOUS ËTES TOUS MODÉRATEUR) laissant aux autres membres le loisirs de sélectionner les vôtres! Le but, partager les plus belles photos d'Iper dans le monde des animaux. (animaux, oiseaux, poissons et insectes) Target group: Submit your photos "favorite shot" (fave) in the beautiful animal world. You can submit only the photos…

  • 0P3N ★ V1SU4L_M0M3NT

    0P3N ★ V1SU4L_M0M3NT

    Created 16 years ago

    Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility. CLOSED Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists. If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen.

Public groups in which Christel Ehretsmann is a member

  • Urban memories: Dealing with the past

    Urban memories: Dealing with the past

    Created 11 years ago

    Again and again characteristic elements in our environment disappear, either through decay, demolition or reconstruction. This is about images of urban occurrences that we assume will soon disappear or changed have another existence in the future. These can be positive things, but also negative developments. Very gladly pictures are taken, which show by PiP before and after. Write something about it. Please no single tourist buildings such as castles, palaces, etc. And no new buildings on green…

  • ❖ Ipernity Photo Gallery ❖

    ❖ Ipernity Photo Gallery ❖

    Created 16 years ago

    RULES! Do not post copyrighted works or part of copyrighted works in this group unless you own the copyright or have the permission to do so. By accepting and signing the Ipernity-ToS/Guidelines, you agreed to upload only pictures done by yourself. Please only post photos which are currently in the " Gallery "! Only pictures with 7 or more faves! Normally an invitation is given by the administrators or moderators. The admins will check all new contributions - please be patient.…

  • Seifenblasen - Bolle di sapone - Bulles de savon

    Seifenblasen - Bolle di sapone - Bulles de savon

    Created 4 years ago

    Eine Seifenblase ist ein dünner Film aus Seifenwasser, der eine gewisse Menge Luft oder anderes Gas einschließt und eine hohle Kugel bildet, die häufig irisiert und schillert. Seifenblasen platzen häufig nach kurzer Zeit, mitunter spontan. Seifenblasen lange in der Luft und am Leben zu erhalten, besondere Figuren oder Größe zu erzielen ist Gegenstand künstlerischer Handarbeit. Wegen dieser leichten Vergänglichkeit wurde ,Seifenblase‘ zu einer Metapher für etwas, das zwar anziehend, aber dennoc…

  • Erotic photography

    Erotic photography

    Created 7 years ago

    Erotic photography with niveau. We ask that you strictly observe the laws for the protection of minors and the ipernity Terms of Service.

  • Nia Klubo

    Nia Klubo

    Created 4 years ago

    If you are an Esperantist or a sympathizer, welcome to the club ***** I lost a lot of contacts in Esperanto due to health problems and various operations that kept me from the site. I would like to find friends again and pay tribute to Dr. Zamenhof, the great humanist and creator of this beautiful singing and harmonious language. Photos, images, texts and comments are welcome in the spirit of beauty and that which unites. Thanks to everyone, we really appreciate those who are already members ***…