honeyj's groups

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Public groups in which honeyj is a member

  • Sunsets and Skys

    Sunsets and Skys

    Created 17 years ago

    I love Sunsets, Sunrises, Clouds and Skypictures. So please share Yours with me

  • Unforgettable places

    Unforgettable places

    Created 17 years ago

    Landscapes you'll never forget, a peaceful moment at a lake, an impressive sunset or lively street sceene. in a city Is it a place that we should visit, let us know about it. This Group is intended to all globetrotters and those who just happen to be at a wonderful location. Make us hungry to travel Please post some information on the location , no must though.

  • River and Lakes -- Flüsse und Seen

    River and Lakes -- Flüsse und Seen

    Created 16 years ago

    Pictures about river and lakes. The pictures are to be in context with the river or lake and must have a geotag or tag with the point of view. It's an easy and the only rule for this group. Have a lot of fun. --------------------------------------------------------- Bilder über Flüsse und Seen. Die Bilder sollten im Kontext zu dem Fluß oder See stehen und mit einem Geotag bzw. Stichwort-Tag versehen sein. Das ist eine einfache und die einzige Regel dieser Gruppe Viel…

  • Doors and Windows

    Doors and Windows

    Created 17 years ago

    Group for sharing pictures about doors and windows.

  • Splendid Views

    Splendid Views

    Created 16 years ago

    If you take photographs of splendid views, please share them in this group. It can be a landscape, flower, architectural, sunset, sea, water, animal, celebration but it has to give splendid emotion to us. Thank you for everyone who join this group.