Maria's groups

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Public groups in which Maria is an administrator

Public groups in which Maria is a moderator

Public groups in which Maria is a member

  • 4 Seasons - Fall

    4 Seasons - Fall

    Created 17 years ago

    A collection of all the images of autumn. If you feel like autumn with a picture of yours, this is the right place. Further groups: 4 Seasons - Spring 4 Seasons - Summer 4 Seasons - Winter

  • ABC


    Created 15 years ago

    Steigt ein ins ABC der Fotos! Es ist alles erlaubt, ob Gedichte, Fotos, absurde Namensgebungen, alles. Jede Woche ist ein anderer Buchstabe an der Reihe und Ihr dürft dazu ein Foto hochladen. Am Ende der Woche wird gevotet—also strengt euch an….möge das schönste Foto gewinnen! About the ABC group Climbing into the ABC's of photos! Everything is allowed, whether poems, photos, absurd name, everything. Every week is another point in the series and your allowed to upload a photo. At the end of…

  • All animals of creation -PHOTOS and DIGITAL ART

    All animals of creation -PHOTOS and DIGITAL ART

    Created 10 years ago

    Thank you to everyone who joins my Animals of Creation - Photos and Digital Art group. I hope you will read this message. After correction, I will accept all your work whose subject includes animals, people with animals, etc.. My selection criteria will be : Whole photos and/or compositions, or a good foreground, macros, etc. Framing, image quality and sharpness must be impeccable. I will delete anything that is not suitable. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Atmospheric


    Created 15 years ago

    Images in which the nature is protagonist, under all its forms: water, earth, sky, flowers, animals…

  • Autumn


    Created 8 years ago

    Anything related to autumn... colours, leaves, trees, landscapes...even textured creations

  • Autumn colours

    Autumn colours

    Created 14 years ago

    pictures, personal paintings,landscapes, connected wtih the variationof autumn colours . Be creative.

  • baltic sea/ostsee

  • Beautiful Poland - Piękna Polska

    Beautiful Poland - Piękna Polska

    Created 16 years ago

    [EN] Are you among those who think that Poland is a very beautiful country? Do you want to share your images of beautiful Polish nature, landscape, architecture or other objects presenting the beauty of Poland? Would you like to see pictures of Poland made by other ipernity members? You are WELCOME! . . [PL] Uważasz, że Polska to bardzo piękny kraj? Chcesz podzielić się z innymi Twoimi obrazami pięknej polskiej przyrody, krajobrazu, architektury lub innych obiektów podkreślających piękno Pols…

  • Beauty of Sky, Himmel, cielo, ciel, hemel, céu, небо, cennet,

    Beauty of Sky, Himmel, cielo, ciel, hemel, céu, небо, cennet,

    Created 16 years ago

    All kind of sky photos, the goal is to see all the colors may the sky have in a lot of places arround the world.

  • Berlin


    Created 17 years ago

    Wikipedia Berlin A group for pictures of Berlin. For Berlin photographers and visitors. It is about your view of Berlin in all perspectives. Anyone can suggest photos for this group. Please respect the rules of ipernity.

  • Birds


    Created 16 years ago

    Can't believe, that no one has found a "birds" group! So - here it is :)

  • BLEU


    Created 14 years ago

    Photos à dominante bleue.