Roberto Ballerini - traveling's articles concerning themself...

  • 16 july: one day trip to Bruxelles

    - 30 Jun 2009
    Je serai à Bruxelles dès 11.15 jusqu'à 18.15. J'ai un rendez-vous à Anderlecht. Je ne sais pas encore exactement à quelle heure, mais de toute façon j'aurai quelques heures livres. Envoyez-moi une ipermail s'il y a la possibilité de se rencontrer. Je vous donnerai mes numéros de mobiles.

  • One of my preferred tunes...

    - 14 Jun 2009
    Anthony: look at this DVD and compare it with Trespass 8mm home footage... almost 40 years have past...

  • A first example of Ipernity API usage in PHP

    - 11 Oct 2008
    This short PHP script build a table with id, visits, faves, comments, faves to visits ratio and thumbnail linked to page of your last 20 shots. You need to customize it with your API key and user id. My first impression was of a very limited API, but after "playing a little bit" (...'til 5AM this morning...) with the parameters, I prefer to define it a lightweight API: very few methods, but using multiple calls you can obtain almost any information.…

  • My 25th shot over 1000 visits

    - 23 Jul 2008
    Thank you very much, my friends

  • AFK: away from keyboard

    - 07 Jul 2008
    I will be away from Ipernity for approximately a week: first a job travel and then a family travel. I'm not leaving Ipernity! Bye bye my friends ;-)

  • Que viva España

    - 30 Jun 2008
    Envy! The current distance between Italia and España is all enclosed between the gentle smile of Zapatero and the vulgar gestures of Berlusconi, the fly of Torres against defensor and goalkeeper and the slow trot along of Luca Toni... Congrats for both, España   [IT] Che invidia! La distanza attuale tra l'Italia e la Spagna è tutta racchiusa tra il sorriso mite di Zapatero ed i gesti volgari di Berlusconi, lo scatto bruciante di Torres verso la porta ed il tro…

  • And the winner is... Soepkipje

    - 16 Jun 2008
    50000th visitor! and one year of Ipernity!

  • Tuscany trip #6: Carapax, Populonia

    - 15 May 2008
    Following day we returned to the Carapax . I never saw so many turtles form all over the world and all the stork nests: the greater turtle species of the world: Miccio Amiatino, one of the species with a cross on the shoulders Storks After dining in Follonica, we went to Populonia; instead of visiting the Etruscan necropolis, we decided to wander trhough the wood to a promontory in front of the Elba Island; inside the wood you can see many entrances to…

  • Tuscany trip #5: Orbetello, Capalbio, Giardino dei Tarocchi

    - 11 May 2008
    The next day I had another occasion to wander by myself in Massa.  Cathedral It was earlier in the morning and with a better light: Torre del candeliere pluuuuuumaaaage! We decided to visit the WWF Oasis of Orbetello. When we were there, we discovered the oasis closed the previous day, so we went to the Patanella wood on the Orbetello lagoon:  view on the lagoon fern and cork In the afternoon we visited Capalbio…

  • [My Faves] #4

    - 26 Mar 2008
    After this post by Annjin, I decided to give a look to my old faves and choose one from each page, just to remember what happened here months ago...

  • [My Faves] #3

    - 25 Mar 2008
    After this post by Annjin, I decided to give a look to my old faves and choose one from each page, just to remember what happened here months ago...

  • [My Faves] #2

    - 24 Mar 2008
    After this post by Annjin, I decided to give a look to my old faves and choose one from each page, just to remember what happened here months ago...

  • [My Faves] #1 [Happy Easter, my friends]

    - 22 Mar 2008
    After this post by Annjin, I decided to give a look to my old faves and choose one from each page, just to remember what happened here months ago...  

  • [WANDERING] Putpourri (+EDIT)

    - 17 Mar 2008
    Looking in my virtual drawers...  

  • [WANDERING] Playground

    - 16 Mar 2008
    Sunday is dedicated to my family...

52 articles in total