Iljuschin's articles concerning...

  • 2008!

    - 31 Dec 2008
    Ein großartiges Jahr! Une année formidable! A year superbe! Jeden rok velkolepý! !un año fantástico!

  • Next chance for a printed picture

    - 15 Jun 2008
    [en] Hm, it seems I will have in a week the 20.000th visitor. To continue the game as done 10.000 visits before: Leave a blog entry with your visit count. If you are nearly at 20k or just a little bit above: you can seek your favorite in my stream (if there is any), fave it and add it here as wish! I will send you then the print out mounted on a foamcore board. Please understand that I have to decide myself what is "nearly" and "little bit", I can not afford a big bunch of prints ;-)…