Carol Harper's articles with the keyword: WIPocalypse

  • WIPocalypse Check-in, October 29, 2017

    - 30 Oct 2017
    And of course, I'm a day late! Not that I have much to report on... this was another month without stitching, And it didn't help that my Husband had cervial surgery this past week, followed by an ER visit for a serum and subsequent three day hospital stay. He's home now, but my "free time" is pretty much broken up with medication distribution, meal prep, etc. At least he's more or less mobile now, although not for extended periods of time. Question of the Month – How did you begin sti…

  • WIPocalpyse check-in - September 24, 2017

    - 24 Sep 2017
    This month's question is Which floss (or color of floss) do you absolutely adore and want to stash constantly? I'm not sure how to answer this one as I don't really stash floss for color reasons. I BUY floss for color reasons --- that is, I NEED that color for a project and it isn't in my stash. ​OK, I said I had a stash of floss and that is true but it does come back to my reason for buying. I do have a habit of wanting EVERY color in a floss type (e.g Anchor, Gentle Arts, Dinkie Dyes,…

  • WIPocalypse 2017 - August check-in

    - 28 Aug 2017
    This month's question is "How do you get yourself out of a stitching drought?" and I really wish I had an answer! ​I have been in a stitching drought since October 2016 --- initially becsaue of a broken wrist (that was roughly 4 months stitchery-free during healing and therapy) and then because my hand wasn't strong enough to hold my Q-snaps for any extended period of time without cramping or shaking. I think I am better now but... getting the motivation to pick up those two WIPS/wannabee UF…

  • WIPocalypse - May 2017 Check-In

    - 28 May 2017
    Another WIPocalypse check-in where I can't report a single stitch placed in fabric. This wrist is taking longer to strengthen that i had expected! The question of the month is: "Which designer’s projects do you absolutely love, but are too intimidated to try?" ​Not sure I'd call it intimidated. More like reluctant. I have the complete series of charts for the cats by Kats by Kelly (no longer being produced in cross-stitch; despite the promise for more in 2016 on the website, there weren't…

  • WIPocalypse 2017 - June Check-In

    - 26 Jun 2017
    stitchery-supplies-2 copy
    A little late here --- we were working the admissions table at Crosby Festival of the Arts yesterday and were exhausted after our four-hour shift! This month's question is "Show us your stitching space! Where do you sit, and what is going on around you while you stitch (TV, audiobooks, etc)?" ​My stitching space is my bed, I'm embarrassed to admit. I have my basic supplies in two storage cupboards in my crafting area (these photos are four years old and they are a lot more messy now):…

  • WIPocalypse 2017 - April Check-in

    - 30 Apr 2017
    Another month without stitching. My wrist is getting better but I still have flexibility and strength issues in my left had so holding a frame steady for any length of time is dodgy at best. I live in hope! Meanwhile, the topic for the month is “What projects are in your UFO pile?” Sadly — a lot. Back in 2012, I itemized the UFOs in my cupboard. They were "Angel of Love" - started before we moved to England in 1992! "Celestial Angel" - started before we moved to England in 1992!…

  • WIPocalypse check-in, March 26, 2017

    - 26 Mar 2017
    This month's question is: " What stitchy blogs, groups, or flosstubes do you follow and why? " ​OK, The only stitch blogs I really follow (if getting digests each week or month is the same as following) are: ​Pin Tangle - because I used to participate in the TAST challenge (but no longer after creating a pile of shapers nearly six inches thick over 2.5 years) and because I really really like the art blog by Sharon B and the photography blog by her partner Jerry Everard (which lately covere…

  • WIPocalypse check-in, February 26, 2017

    - 26 Feb 2017
    The question for this month is: "What is your favorite stitch other than the standard cross stitch?" Well, I'm not sure I have a favorite stitch other than the cross stitch. In fact, I'm not even sure any more that the cross stitch is my "favorite" but... the stitch I use as often as the cross stitch is backstitch, although I'm pretty sure I'm not doing it correctly when I do blackwork. As for how-to, here is the best link I can provide for regular backstitching and here is how to do it (aka the…

  • WIPocalypse check-in, January 29, 2017

    - 29 Jan 2017
    First check-in for 2017 and not a very happy one, I fear. I tried to stitch on "Love Is..." an Xs and Os design, in mid-January after being given the "all clear" from my orthodpod and my occupational therapist that I could continue on doing my hand exercises on my own. But I failed miserably in being able to hold my q-snap frame for more than a few minutes at a time. Maybe it didn't help that the word I chose to stitch was chock full of French knots (which I hate, especially on linen) but then..…

  • WIPocalypse 2017 - January 1: The Start of a New Year

    - 01 Jan 2017
    Today we are to “ Introduce [ourselves], [our] projects, and any goals [we] have for the year!” OK, well, I’m Carol, a retired environmental scientist and community college instructor, who took up stitching in graduate school (in Florida). I started with crewel, began needlepoint when a friend asked me to complete an eyeglass case she had bought, and moved on to cross-stitch while living and working in San Francisco (needlepoint and crewel were too awkward to work on when traveling and I was…

  • WIPocalypse 2016 - December 14

    - 24 Dec 2016
    Checking in here WAY late, but I forgot to check on the full moon date! Anyway, the final question for 2016 in WIPocalypse is: "Recap your accomplishments for the year! (Your finishes, your final before/after photos, etc)." So here goes. No photos ... My finishes in 2016 were scant becasue I was working toward finishing two massively BAP/WIPS. • One got finished: the "Tropical Seas" colorway of "Roll Your Own Mandalas", which was completed in August... • The other BAP didn't e…

  • WIPocalypse 2016 - November 14 (SuperMoon)

    - 17 Nov 2016
    This moon's topic is "What pattern (or designer) is on your must-try-to-stitch bucket list?" I can't say that I actually HAVE a stitching bucket list. I have stitched at least one pattern from each designer that has caught my eye, sometimes more, and I have stopped buying patterns as my stash is definitely a SABLE. Another WIPocalypse has come and gone and, since the last, I have not stitched at all. Basically, I am typing here one-handed so I apologize for any and all typos (one-handed typi…

  • WIPocalypse, October 16, 2016 - The Hunter’s Moon

    - 16 Oct 2016
    This month’s theme question is “What online stitching communities do you enjoy?” Well, I do belong to a number of online communities and some of them are stitching-related. I am still enrolled in the Cross Stitch Crazy forum, a closed group which is now more active in private Facebook group. I am active on the Facebook page, not in the Yuku forum any more. Having been a member of this group since the days when it was THE most active group on the late lamented iVillage, I feel that I kno…

  • WIPocalypse 2016 - September 16

    - 18 Sep 2016
    The discussion topic for this WIPocalypse period is “Tell us a story about the journey you took through one of your completed pieces.’ Sadly, I can’t answer this as, for me at least, what I stitch doesn’t necessarily reflect a story about me or it’s stitching. It just is/was… It may have traveled with me (usually a needlepoint piece) but that is just in case I am left alone in a hotel room while husband is out on his conference duties and I need something to fill the time if I’ve run out of read…

  • Week Thirty-Three - August 18, 2016 and WIPocalypse

    - 18 Aug 2016
    The WIPocalypse topic for discussion this month is “Have you ever read any fictional books that involve embroidery? If so, give us some recommendations…” Yes, I have although I hate to say that most needlework-related fiction uses knitting - and a few years ago, quilting - as a theme more than traditional embroidery. In fact there is even a sewing circle-themed mystery series… But I digress. There are three needlework authors in my “library” and I have read many of the books listed here.…

  • WIPocalypse 2016 - July 19 (two days late)

    - 21 Jul 2016
    It was WIPocalypse on Tuesday and I didn’t even realize it! AAACK! The topic for discussion was two-part: “If you are participating in the Olympic Challenge, tell us about your plans – which type of challenge you’ve selected, the pieces you’ll be stitching on, etc. If you are not participating in the challenge, tell us how this year’s stitching is going for you so far, and if you’re meeting your stitching goals so far for the year.” What is the Olympic Challenge? I wasn't sure so I had…

  • WIPocalypse 2016 - June 20 (and the first day of summer!)

    - 20 Jun 2016
    This full moon, we are asked: “Do you find yourself more productive with stitching in summer or winter?” And I have to answer that there is probably no difference. I stitch at night for the most part, with my daylight-quality lamp, so longer days in summer don’t really make a difference amor the shorter days of winter. I stitch indoors so temperature is not an issue. There are different demands on my time and impacts on my mojo with each season: I really can’t stitch effectively when I’m sufferi…

  • WIPocalypse 2016 - April 22, the Pink Moon

    - 23 Apr 2016
    This month’s topic for discussion is “What do you listen to while stitching?” For me, it’s always the television on. I stitch in my bedroom where there is an HD television hooked up to a DVR and the satellite as well as local on-antenna channels so I have a wealth of choices. I might “listen” to something I DVR-ed or it might be “live” — it all depends. Can I concentrate on stitching while “listening” to NCIS or do I need to concentrate on the program? Can I enjoy a classic movie while stitching…

124 articles in total