Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: quills

Those Who Know Everything in General Know Nothing in Particular

Those Who Know Everything in General Know Nothing in Particular

Alan Mays Posted on 13 Jun 2018
Those Who Know Everything in General Know Nothing in Particular (Rotated)

Those Who Know Everything in General Know Nothing in Particular (Rotated)

Alan Mays Posted on 13 Jun 2018
John H. Landis for Pennsylvania State Senator, 1888

John H. Landis for Pennsylvania State Senator, 1888

Alan Mays Posted on 08 Nov 2016
The Celebrated Livermore Pen Stylographic Pen

The Celebrated Livermore Pen Stylographic Pen

Alan Mays Posted on 28 Feb 2014
The Livermore Pen, Stylographic Pen Co., Boston, Mass.

The Livermore Pen, Stylographic Pen Co., Boston, Mass.

Alan Mays Posted on 28 Feb 2014
Stamp Collage Postcard, 1930s

Stamp Collage Postcard, 1930s

Alan Mays Posted on 03 Jun 2014
Health, Happiness, and Prosperity, Herr and Company

Health, Happiness, and Prosperity, Herr and Company

Alan Mays Posted on 31 Dec 2013