Michiel 2005's photos with the keyword: dagblad

Recent history in old newspapers: Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn murdered

Recent history in old newspapers: Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn murdered

Michiel 2005 Posted on 26 Sep 2007
Recent history in old newspapers: Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn murdered

Recent history in old newspapers: Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn murdered

Michiel 2005 Posted on 26 Sep 2007
Recent history in old newspapers: Filmmaker Theo van Gogh murdered

Recent history in old newspapers: Filmmaker Theo van Gogh murdered

Michiel 2005 Posted on 26 Sep 2007
Recent history in old newspapers: Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn murdered

Recent history in old newspapers: Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn murdered

Michiel 2005 Posted on 26 Sep 2007