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CHAOZE ONE - Chaoze One ist braunweiß

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Fong Naam, I've Lost My Change To Be Your Husband

Fong Naam, I've Lost My Change To Be Your Husband

By Wolfgang, posted on 25 Dec 2010
1 comment 699 visits
Fong Naam By the mid-20th century Thai classical music was in a relatively stagnant state. The aggressively modernizing policies of Western-looking Thai politicians during the 1940s and '50s led to a widespread view of traditional Thai arts as being,…

Fong Naam, Mor lam, Wind In The Coconut In Trees

Fong Naam, Mor lam, Wind In The Coconut In Trees

By Wolfgang, posted on 25 Dec 2010
1 comment 819 visits
Fong Naam Mor lam is the dominant folk music of Thailand's north-eastern Isaan region, which has a mainly Lao population. It has much in common with luk thung, such as its focus on the life of the rural poor. It is characterized by rapid-fire, rhythm…

Bach 2

By Regina, posted on 03 Jul 2011
263 visits


453 visits

Indian's Coast

447 visits


570 visits

Fairy Ring

562 visits