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464 visits
Cxi tie mi klarigas kiel viziti la blogon KOLOMBIA KRESTOMATIO, gxi enhavas detalojn de la disvolvigxo de la laboro. Tie oni povas enmeti sugestojn, proponojn, ktp.....


512 visits
"Cxi tie oni vidas LA NOVA SUNA HORLOGXO, elpensita de S-ro WILLIAM COOK ALVEAR, konstruita en Medejxino, kaj la respektivajn klarigojn faritaj de li mem


By -mcb, posted on 11 Apr 2008
783 visits
Have fun!

Tetris B

By -mcb, posted on 11 Apr 2008
729 visits

Julieto (Kaj Tiel Plu)

2 favorites 1 017 visits
Unu el miaj plej ŝatataj kantoj de Kaj Tiel Plu

La tendresse - choeur - Jacques Brel

By Alain Raffin, posted on 18 Apr 2008
1 comment 447 visits
Paroles et musique Jacques Brel Harmonisation : Jacques Grindel

La tendresse - basse

By Alain Raffin, posted on 20 Apr 2008
332 visits
Voix de basse en surbrillance : ensemble de cuivres

La tendresse - ténor

By Alain Raffin, posted on 20 Apr 2008
452 visits
Voix de ténor en surbrillance : violoncelle

La tendresse - alto

By Alain Raffin, posted on 20 Apr 2008
644 visits
Voix d'alto en surbrillance : flûte

La tendresse - soprano

By Alain Raffin, posted on 20 Apr 2008
377 visits
Voix de soprano en surbrillance : flûte

Yine Yeni Yeniden

By Iljuschin, posted on 21 Apr 2008
Yüreğimdeki fırtına dinmedi hala Titrerdim,isterdim seni hep kollarımda Yine bana gel Yana yana yine ben sev.. Yine bana gel Yana yana yine ben sev.. Hadi beni yine sev Beni deli deli sev Beni yine yine,yeni yeni,yine yeni yeniden sev.. Hadi beni yin…

Cad e sin don te sin - Tri Yann

1 favorite 1 412 visits
Belega Irlanda kanto kantata de la Bretona grupo Tri Yann


By Realbeck, posted on 29 Apr 2008
611 visits


By Realbeck, posted on 29 Apr 2008
476 visits

Peter Gabriel, Shaking The Tree

Peter Gabriel, Shaking The Tree

By Wolfgang, posted on 30 Apr 2008
447 visits
usually a track from Youssou N'Dour's album The Lion (1989), is a 1990 version featuring new vocals from Gabriel. "I Have the Touch" is listed as a 1983 remix, although it sounds enough like the remix from 1985 that many reviewers have declared the r…

Peter Gabriel & Sinead O'Connor, Don't Give Up [Live]

By Wolfgang, posted on 30 Apr 2008
1 523 visits
Usually is a duet recorded by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush for Gabriel's album So. The single version spent eleven weeks in the UK Top 75 chart in 1986, peaking at number nine. It describes the despair of a man who feels that the economic system has n…