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61 results.

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Three


    An interesting stitchy week which included WIPocalypse, International Hermit and Stitch Weekend and a completion ("Ladybug & Daisy")! Kind of left my project bag a little thin so I finally bit the bullet and started the outline for "Roll Your Own", the first of nine mandalas from a Tracy Horner/InkCircles stitchalong which has been kitted up for months but never started. The outline is fiddly in that it needs to be carefully counted, so there will be no frogging, so I am going very slowly on thi… (read more)

  • Bead Journal Project 2014 - January

    January - "Snowy", the owl

    In the Bead Journal Project 2014, I mean to stitch an ATC-sized piece each month, portraying what's going on around me. I don't know how long this ambition will last but that is my intent. Meet "Snowy", the owl. He's a January surprise! There have actually been real Snowy Owl sightings around here in the past months, migrating out of Canada in search of food, but this "Snowy" is journaling near record snow amounts for the month of January (and the month isn't over yet ), record and ne… (read more)

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Forty-Three

    November 2014

    I did get some work done at guild retreat, although I forgot to take my handwork with me and ran out of things to do by dinner on the first full day! Didn't help that I was so very sleepy the entire time adn had very little focus... Anyway, here are the pieces I did work on... November block for Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2014: Blocks January - September for the 2014 Crazy Quilt Journal Project assembled (blocks for October and November are awaiting December for final assembly):… (read more)

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Four

    The Abominable Snowplow!

    Let's see --- we spent a week surpassing the all-time snow record for January (previously held in the year of the Blizzard of '78): we are now at 50.2" for the month! Heck, we are only 20 inches away from the all-time seasonal snow record (also held in that season of the Blizzard of '78)! And it was another week with bone-numbing wind chills, wind and blowing snow (now they are talking about the Big Chill of 14!): not only are propane users being asked to cut their use, so are natural gas and el… (read more)

  • WIPocalypse 2015 - January 5, The Wolf Moon

    Completed Outline

    This month's topic for WIPocalypse is "Introduce yourself, your projects, and any goals you have for the year!" I'm Carol, AKA ThatYank in NW Ohio, which identifies me and where I am. I'm a retired teacher (community college level) and into many forms of stitchery: Cross stitch, blackwork and needlepoint primarily although I used to do a lot of crewel (MANY full moons ago!) and have dabble in quilting and knitting. My projects at this time are two BAPs: Elizabeth Almond's "Save the Stitc… (read more)

  • So you want to -- capture a new SUPERNOVA

    Supernovae are among the most powerful events in our universe and they emit unimaginable amounts of energy. And long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away that has happened but it took 11.5 million years and only now does this energy reach us, some of it visible to our eyes. Look up at the sky & search for the M82 "Cigar Galaxy" -- it will be over in a few weeks.

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-In - January 30, 2022

    Hope & Strength

    The topic for this month's discussion is: "Describe your stitching style – are you a one-at-a-time stitcher? Do you stitch on rotation? Are you a chaos wrangler? Are you comfortable in your current stitching style, or are you still searching for that stitching zen?" I started out as a "start it - finish it before going on to the next piece" stitcher. That was before the word "rotation" was brought into the discussion. I'm not sure exactly when I first encountered it but I suspect it was… (read more)

  • WIPocalypse 2024 Check-In - January 28, 2023

    January 2024

    Today's discussion topic is: "Tell us about the oldest WIP you have in your stash." ​ OK, this one is a toughie because how do I distinguish between WIPs and UFOs? I have a stack of unfinished pieces, mainly needlepoint but also at least one crewel piece and several crazy quilts yet to be quilted. But... On my laptop desktop, I have a file folder labeled "Long-term WIPs" in which I have stored the info for five different pieces. Listed in order from most oldest to most recent starts, th… (read more)

  • WIPocalypse January 2021 Check-In

    Save teh Stitches, December 27

    I have to catch up with posts for November 2020, December2020, and January 1, 2021 that I couldn't post because of the site being down. I will do those after I get my taxes done! Meanwhile, on with my check-in for January 2021I don't have that much to report so this will be short and sweet(-ish)!

  • WIPocalypse Check-In, January 7, 2018

    In the event that you are not familiar with WIPocalypse, it is a yearly challenge by Measi's Musings where Melissa, the blog owner states: "The WIPocalypse was a stitch-a-long playing up on the joke that the world will end in 2012. It’s short for Works In Progress Apocalypse."The goal of the WIPocalypse is to make progress on your projects. How you go about this is your choice." Since then, there have been WIPocalypse SALs each year and this year is the start of WIPocalypse 2018. Eac… (read more)

  • WIPocalypse 2017 - January 1: The Start of a New Year

    Today we are to “ Introduce [ourselves], [our] projects, and any goals [we] have for the year!” OK, well, I’m Carol, a retired environmental scientist and community college instructor, who took up stitching in graduate school (in Florida). I started with crewel, began needlepoint when a friend asked me to complete an eyeglass case she had bought, and moved on to cross-stitch while living and working in San Francisco (needlepoint and crewel were too awkward to work on when traveling and I was… (read more)

  • WIPocalypse 2014 - November 6

    This month's theme questions is "What are your favorite and least favorite materials to use in your stitching?" Well, my favorite fabric to stitch on is evenweave, usually Lugana but often slubby linen comes into play as the Lugana I favor is pretty pricey and I don't always want to put out that much cash for something small and simple, like ornaments. The threads I use most are stranded cotton, usually DMC, because I have most of their colors (there's always one or two I don't have --- isn't… (read more)

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - January 28, 2023

    IMG 1234

    This month's discussion topic is: "If you have been to retreats, what are your must-bring items and supplies?" I have attended three two-day paper crafting "retreats" (Simon Says Create in Columbus Ohio), one two-day scrapbooking crop (with a local crafting friends, even though I don't scrapbook!), and three two-day quilt retreats (put on by the guild of which I am webmaster, even though I truly do not quilt) in the past two decades. All within a two hour driving distance of my home. S… (read more)

  • WIPocalypse Check-In: January 6, 2019

    In the event that you are not familiar with WIPocalypse, it is a yearly challenge by Measi's Musings where Melissa, the blog owner states: "The WIPocalypse was a stitch-a-long playing up on the joke that the world will end in 2012. It’s short for Works In Progress Apocalypse."The goal of the WIPocalypse is to make progress on your projects. How you go about this is your choice." Since then, there have been WIPocalypse SALs each year and this year is the start of WIPocalypse 2019. Each… (read more)

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Five

    Roll Your Own outline

    The coming two weeks are likely to be good times to stitch: more snow (somewhere around 6 inches) forecast for tonight and yet another storm hovering on the horizon for Sunday. We already had the showiest January on record for this neck of the woods, to say nothing of being at 10th place in snowiest winter season on record. I don't remember it ever being this cold, this snowy this "wintery" before in my life. Good stitching weather! I am trying to fit in annual medical appointments around all th… (read more)

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Eighteen - three days late!


    Having a morning commitment on Wednesday (clean house before the cleaner comes and husband,s monthly high school class breakfast), coupled with leaving for Novi, MI for a scrapbooking show (I don't scrapbook by my friend does) that afternoon, I never had a chance to post my weekly report. SO here it is, three days late, but nothing has been accomplished since then anyway, so it's not that much of a cheat. I spent most of the week working on my Bead Journal piece for May. It's another owl, or… (read more)

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Twenty-eight

    Still catching up from our road trip - and from four hours (and $65 consultation fees with dlink's subcontractor) on Sunday on the office floor, in the corner, with a flashlight and a telephone with a rapidly fading battery, trying to get our modem/router to work after being 24 hours offline with Roadrunner. I did finally get all the magazines read (or at least skimmed), all the bills paid (of course, more have rolled in), all the laundry done (but not folded or put away), and the internet worki… (read more)

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - January 8, 2023


    A new year, and time to: "Introduce yourself, your projects, and any goals you have for the year!" Who am I? My name is Carol Harper, although I have used the handle "that yank" more often the past. I am a "Jill" of all crafts and master of none: I paper craft (my papercrafting blog is currently neglected) and embroider (ranging from needlepoint and crewel in the distant past to cross-stitch and blackwork currently) and sometimes quilt (crazy quilting), knit and even bead a little, all of… (read more)

  • Content filtering / rating seems to be close to be released

    content filtering

    Hi, there are some glimpse at ipernity which seems to be like the content - filtering (via Settings / Display & Layout ) is close to be released by ipernity. There were many discussions in the back about this issue, if it´s nessessary to filter content, if it should be and how it should be filtered. For example in the comments of the ipernity- team blog- entries [EN] Workshop: content rating/filtering system (17. January 2008), Introducing the new content rating/filtering syste… (read more)

  • Yoko Ono asks Japan dolphin fishermen to stop

    Dolphins -------------------------- This is her letter..... TO THE JAPANESE FISHERMAN OF TAIJI FROM YOKO ONO LENNON, 20 JANUARY 2014. Dear Japanese Fishermen of Taiji, I understand how you must feel about the one-sided-ness of the West to be angry at your traditional capture and slaughter of Dolphins. But that tradition was made only when the world, and Japanese Fishermen did not know… (read more)