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27 results.

  • More ramblings from an old fool

    Another rainy day here so I am cabined up with 2 cats. Ellen has a break from work from Friday until Tuesday so after work today she is going straight to the station and spending a long weekend with Colin. This means I will be cooking and eating what Ellen calls my weird stuff. For weird read cooked with herbs and or spices. I went to the chemist to pick up my meds earlier and took a couple of snaps of the George Hotel,this 100 year old building is being demolished and the site cleared for hou… (read more)

  • Old power plants

    Justin’s article on a long-retired power plant in the Twin Cities that is due to be demolished made me think of all the early power plants I know of that I’ve seen in person - whether they are still serving their original role or not. Appleton, MN / Hering St. north of Thielke Ave Plant retired by Otter Tail; now used by city as storage Benson, MN / Pacific Ave. west of US 12 Municipal plant still in use but re-powered to run on diesel for backup. Virginia, MN / 6th Ave. S & 1st St. S… (read more)

  • I-Spy the Sights of (1960s) London: Part 3

    I-Spy the Sights of London pp. 4&5

    We continue our exploration of Trafalgar Square . The main features shown in the sketch can all still be seen today: the fountains, Nelson's Column, the George IV statue, the National Gallery and St Martin-in-the-Fields (which we have to spy) along with some other features not mentioned: the statue of Havelock (an army general who achieved fame during the 1850s Indian Mutiny) just to the east of Nelson's column, the little Police Station in the bottom corner, the Coliseum and the statue of Ed… (read more)

  • the custom of drinking tea at doorsteps - la kutimo trinki teon sur pordoŝtupoj

    "My castle has been demolished" Hacer Foggo, Buldozing roma settlement in Turkey for lŭxury investements 07/12/2009 - When the last house in Sulukule was bulldozed on 12 November, Gülsüm Bitirmiş, born in 1956, was crying out after her house, where she was born and raised, after her memories and her childhood: “my castle has been demolished”. Meanwhile, the officials of Fatih Municipality had already set off with their truck, loaded with her belongings, which would be put in… (read more)

  • Tabulam Bridge

    This bridge is the subject of one of my favourites. From the Northern Daily Leader, a regional newspaper in NSW. THE longest single-span timber bridge in the southern hemisphere will be demolished as part of the NSW government’s $145 million Bridges for the Bush program. The 110-year-old Tabulam bridge over the Clarence River was recently upgraded in a year-… (read more)

  • The Streets of N19: Part 2

    Girdlestone Estate plan

    Continuing my mission to photograph all the streets in N19 as part of the Bleeding London project. In this part I cover the streets of the Girdlestone Estate, parts of which I often walk through on the way to the tube.

  • The Streets of N19: Part 5

    Hargrave Road N19

    A few days off work over Easter gave me a bit of time to catch up with various tasks and continue my explorations of N19. I started off with the intention of photographing a few streets on my way to the picture framers in Holloway Road but one thing led to another and I ended up taking in 14 streets. Here are the first five.

  • The Streets of N19: Part 9

    Giesbach Road, N19

    Last year I photographed all the streets in my home postcode - N19 - and intended to blog about them as I went. Although I finished the photography side of the project the blog lagged behind. Now I have a bit more time, I'm intending to catch up with it. To those of you who have followed this so far, thanks for your patience in waiting for the next episode. I'll try not to be so erratic in posting from now on. (Sounds a bit like a New Year resolution but half of the year has almost passed already!) Saturday 3 May 2014 I had to go to the sorting office on Hornsey Road to pick up a package and decided to snap up a few streets along the way.

  • The Streets of N19: Part 11

    St John's Way, N19

    My next foray was on a Tuesday evening a couple of weeks later - 20 May. I took in a few streets between Archway and Hornsey Rise.


    A few years ago I started a project "The Real Streets Of Dublin" the purpose of which was to document the ever changing city of Dublin (Ireland). Along the way I have encountered many problems mainly caused by storage and bandwidth limitations but despite the problems I have managed at accumulate and publish about 25,000 photographs. I also extended the scope of the project to include the rest of Ireland. The target is 40,000 photographs by the end 2009. The problems were more than compensa… (read more)


    Unfortunately there are going to be many photo-opportunities during 2009 here in Ireland because many businesses are likely to cease trading. One thing that I have noticed over the years is that when there is a downturn in the Irish economy British companies are the first to leave Ireland. There are of course exceptions, M&S being a prime example. I suppose that this should not come as a surprise, when they first open in Ireland they come on a mission to convert the Irish people and show the… (read more)

  • Hard work in the garden and Max catches up with me

    An early start in the garden for me today.We have a bright sunny day but there is a weather front moving in overnight bringing heavy rain and strong winds until Wednesday. With the grass already too long after recent rains today was the day to set about it. I started on the front at 8:30 and had it mowed and strimmed by 9:45. Nursing with my back along I took a break and demolished a bacon bun and coffee.10:15 I started on the larger of the two out the back,I mowed it then took break before tack… (read more)

  • A day in the life of 2 cats and damage report

    After the early morning looked OK the rain and wind arrived and scuppered any plans of escape.Maybe tomorrow. The cats have had a grand time racing in and out ,I have a door adjacent to the main front door. It leads out from my little workshop to an alcove With the wind coming from the south west and this door facing east I can leave it open for the cats to have access to the kitchen and their food without causing a draught. The alcove provides shelter if they just want to watch the world go… (read more)

  • Bees

    Following on my previous blog; thankfully the week improved with no more tears. I do find my job very frustrating sometimes, and no-one ever pops by or calls just for a chat; they always want something. Always! In my previous job I worked in a very large open plan office, and although it was sometimes a bit noisy, it was quite sociable and there were often social activities outside of office hours. I don’t socialise with anyone from this job. On the subject of noise, our old building has been, a… (read more)

  • The Streets of N19: Part 1

    Bickerton Road N19

    I've recently joined the Bleeding London project. Based on Geoff Nicholson's 1997 novel of the same name, the aim is to photograph every street in the A-Z between now and October. That needs a lot of people so, if this inspires you, why not sign up too? As part of this, I'm now on a mission to photograph every street in N19, around Archway, where I live. And as if that wasn't enough, I've decided to blog about them too. This first part covers the streets in the triangle formed by Dartmouth Park Hill, Bickerton Road and Junction Road with the apex at Tufnell Park which I took on a quick wander last Sunday (6 April).

  • Cushman Factory, 1913-2014

    I'm trying to take photographs of the Cushman factory in Lincoln, Nebraska as it is slowy demolished. I believe the demolition is supposed to take seven months and I plan on shooting there several times a week until the process is completed. Cushman was a big part of Lincoln's economy and, at one time, employed 900 people. I'm trying to document the destruction of this facility and, I hope, make a few good photographs in the process. There is, and will continue to be, a lot of repetition… (read more)

  • The Streets of N19: Part 6

    Yerbury Road, N19

    Continuing from Part 5...

  • The Streets of N19: Part 7

    Highgate New Town plan

    Chester Road is the last N19 street on the right as you go down Dartmouth Park Hill, after that right turns take you into NW5. It's very odd the way the postcodes intertwine at this point. Bramshill Gardens, the first left off Chester Road, is also NW5 whereas the next two streets on the left - Winscombe Street and Bertram Street - are both N19. Presumably the reason for this is that the latter are both cul-de-sacs meaning that their only entrance is from Chester Road (N19) but Bramshill Gardens runs through to Dartmouth Park Avenue NW5 (not to be confused with Dartmouth Park Hill, N19, where I live, although delivery drivers and mini-cabs often seem to). To add to the confusion, there's also a Dartmouth Park Road but that's NW5 as well. The area between Dartmouth Park Hill and Chester Road is known as Highgate New Town, although it's not all new and neither is it a town. As it's just across the road from me, it was a convenient area to pop out and photograph one evening.

  • Breakdown

    I used to love my job. Not so long ago I was sat in my own little office, with a window that opened. The view was cr*p but it was mine. I worked for just one ‘department.’ I was having a quiet moment, the students were all busy, and I was catching up on some research and having a quiet coffee, and thinking to myself: I love my job. The building I had my own office in has now been demolished. I share an office now and get no peace and quiet. I can’t open a window because I work with a foreign… (read more)

  • The Streets of N19: Part 10

    Magdala Avenue, N19

    My next foray was on Sunday the following weekend (11 May 2014). A short circular walk on an afternoon when rain threatened, taking in some streets around Highgate Hill and Archway Road.