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204 results.

  • The Rainbow Bridge

    "Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we rem… (read more)

  • Zilli, the dog Mandi has sort of "adopted"......

    Little Zilli who adopted us

    When we went to Turkey last year, a stray brindle dog sort of `"adopted" us and followed us everywhere we went. We asked Dogan if she had a name and he laughed and said that it was probably Zilli. When asked what Zilli meant - he explained it meant a girl who reallly likes boys!!! So I assume it means "Slapper"!!! When Mandi went back Zilli really made a fuss of her and so she was her constant companion. Now you can hardly not want her around you and I'm not a dog lover of sorts. Well I m… (read more)

  • How to give your cat a pill

    How To Give Your Cat A Pill,I came across this 2 or 3 years ago and just discovered it again Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and apply gentle pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process. Retrieve cat… (read more)

  • Turkish pussy cat taking advantage of an old dog

    Lovely scene with pussy cat having a soft cushion

    Mandi took this picture yesterday while she was out and about - she just couldn't resist..... The pussy cat didn't want to lie on the concrete tiles so found this lovely dog asleep and clambered onto his back. It was nice and comfy for him and so the two were dozing in the sun. I think it's a gorgeous picture.

  • Mandi and Dogan have just been on Skype

    Boo with my neighbour, Yvonne

    It was a lovely surprise - Mandi and Dogan called me on the internet and we spoke for nearly half an hour, til the Internet Gods decided to spoil the fun and shut down in Turkey!!! Anyway, they rang to not only say how much they missed me [awww] but missed Boo too [awww] and they didn't actually brag about the weather neither - that was because it'd been raining today!!! They did say, however, that they'd done the visa application on-line this afternoon and so with a bit of luck, the Consulat… (read more)

  • Mandi and Dogan have two new kitties now....


    Well they had no choice really, because whatever was killing a lot of the cats, it was outside, so they brought the remaining two kittens indoors. At least Pippi (_Alfie's brother) was still okay and the kittens were his siblings, so he didn't mind them. So meet Pasha...... She is just gorgeous and although slightly nervous, is settling down indoors very well. Then there's Roxy.... Roxy is almost the double of his mum - same markings etc, just fluffier. He's completely fe… (read more)

  • a cat wash

    This innocent looking creature here indulging in his favorite pastime behaved very badly this morning. I usually wake up naturally around 6:30am but this morning I was awakened by Zazzles washing my face around 6:15. I didn't mind the time but starting my day covered in cat spit was not very nice

  • Update from up north and cat customs post

    Not much weather wise to bother us yet unlike Wales a few days ago and Jenny's neck of the woods today and overnight.From what I have seen she should have missed the bad stuff. Here we have been having hail storms for the last 2 days and the Lake district fells have their white caps on. I braved the hail for a trip to town this morning and only got caught outside in one shower. Shopping done I returned home with my shopping glad to be in for a sit down and a coffee. This didn't happen until 2… (read more)

  • Kitchen Tribulations and Ship's Dog

    This week, the Ship’s Dog had to attend the vet’s clinic. He’s been yelping when he gets up, or lies down, and we gave him a couple of days quiet time and he seemed okay. Friday morning however, he would not settle and kept yelping as if in pain and he was limping. I know from painful (financially speaking) experience how expensive a vet can be out of hours, so phoned them Friday and managed to get an early afternoon appointment. The vet couldn’t find anything obviously wrong, though did concede… (read more)

  • RIP Ship's Dog


    Earlier today, we said goodbye to our beloved Ship's Dog. This morning he ate his food, went for a walk, seemed fine. After work, he was definitely suffering and seemed in pain, and wouldn't settle. We carried him to the vet's and they quickly assessed him, gave him something for the pain, and he passed away very quickly. I blubbed like a 5 year old. He was a wonderful companion for almost 14 years and I'll miss him terribly. He was a good boy, and I kept telling him that as my son and I soothed… (read more)

  • The return of the cat

    Sooty has returned as I posted earlier. He is fit and well but was hungry. He has no signs of injury and apart from being rather scruffy he is fine. Lots of purrs and snuggling went on and when Zazzles came home they made a big fuss of each other until Sooty tired of it and swatted Zazzles as if to say “OK that's enough”After feeding up and coming for more cuddles for them both tit was off into action again for the fearless duo. They were away and over the wall and prancing around in the long gr… (read more)

  • How to get your cat inside.............

    Just seen this video and it's hilarious....................... How on earth did they train their dog to do this???? <object><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="movie" value=" "></param><embed src=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="1"></embed></object> I hopeyou enjoy it.

  • Secrets of ipernity search


    You can search somewhat anything on ipernity. But what you may not know are all the tweaks you can do to limit the search. Search for all cat photos (up to 1000) Write simply cat on top of the pages, onto field with "Search for people and more...", and select "Search for photos" from the drop down menu. The default search parameters then give you the most relevant photos where somewhere on the image title, caption, keywords or comment… (read more)

  • Dog falls for cat.....

  • Hooray first grass cut and cat photos

    Another cold sunny day but the wind has gone so I decided on the first grass cut of the year. I mowed and strimmed the front both sides and it was not as much hard work as I feared, so that's stage one done. Stage two is the jungle out the back a much sterner task but that's for tomorrow. Stage three the hardest of all turning last years flower patch back into something that will take my wildflower seeds,that will take a few hours a day for a week or so. We are still getting overnight fro… (read more)

  • flowers,bad cat and an aircraft

    An interesting morning here.firstly on my morning garden patrol with my faithful sidekick Sooty I spotted a few of these,looking on the wildflower site they seem to be Fairy foxglove. After breakfast and the sun starting to warm the place up I heard what sounded like a ripping scrunchy sound,I looked out of the window and there was Zazzles climbing up the new whirly line and tearing the cover in the process. Just as I was about to start lunch I heard the sound of a large aircraft,… (read more)

  • floor finished and new cat photos

    With my legs and back fully rested it was back to the action today,not a lot just light work. I put the finishing touches to the kitchen floor and modified my fold down clothes maid by putting rubber stoppers on the metal legs to stop any scratching of the floor. My only other task wasn't really a task,I just sorted my photo folder out as it was starting to look untidy. Here are photos of the cats from my new Cats album Cats 2014 which is posted here. Sooty is not the petite little thing he w… (read more)

  • thats why i love dogs

  • Cat in a bag and more rubbish cleared

    I had a little shopping to do and when I returned Zazzles had to stick his head in to check the contents. Milk was the last item out and in the time it took me to put it in the fridge just behind me Zazzles had vanished into the bag. I grabbed my camera to take a snap and of course Zazzles being the poser he is had sat up for his photo. I managed to get rid of some more of the garden rubbish today and the Wheelie bin is full again. I will start work on the remaining bushesin the next day or so… (read more)

  • Find the cat ;-)