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623 results.

  • Heidi, a Miracle Cat, ADOPTED

    Heidi is an approximately three- to four-year-old feline who has stories to tell. She is seeking a warm, safe, loving, forever home. [ADOPTED] Age: 3 to 4 years old Gender: female, spayed Vaccinations: up-to-date (given 1/17/13 and 2/7/13) Requirements: Heidi needs to be an only cat. No young children. Personality: playful and affectionate, still overcoming some feral tendencies… (read more)

  • How to give your cat a pill

    How To Give Your Cat A Pill,I came across this 2 or 3 years ago and just discovered it again Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and apply gentle pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process. Retrieve cat… (read more)

  • Fairhope, AL Substation Damaged by Cat

    Just saw this in the news: A cat entered the substation feeding the City of Fairhope municipal utility (which is served off of a 46kV line from Alabama Power) and got on top of a voltage regulator, resulting a short circuit and quite a fire ball! Damage ended up totaling over $60,000. Here's a look at the sub before the cat event put it in the Graveyard:

  • The blossom is almost out, and there is a new cat on the block!!!!!

    A little visitor, who I thought was Pippin once.

    Well I've noticed a little black cat who seems to think it's his garden now - and comes up most days and just relaxes. Apparently he belongs to one of my other neighbours, and he has two other siblings to play with, but he seems to be a loner, and comes up here on his own. Very pretty little thing. I recognise his blue collar, which with all the trees around, I worry about cats being strangled if caught on the branches. He seems to manage it okay though. Whilst sitting in my lounge, I… (read more)

  • My neighbour's gorgeous cat called Harry...........

    My neighbour Yvonne has a lovely c at called Harry. He's been very elusive in the two years we've known each other. He is such a gorgeous looking cat that I've been desperate to "catch" him unawares. Today after taking me to the local re-cycling centre to get rid of my huge box of cardboard bits and a large bag of plastic bottles, Yvonne asked me in for a cup of coffee, and there he was............. He's such a lovely looking cat and I just had to get a close up of his blue eye… (read more)

  • a cat wash

    This innocent looking creature here indulging in his favorite pastime behaved very badly this morning. I usually wake up naturally around 6:30am but this morning I was awakened by Zazzles washing my face around 6:15. I didn't mind the time but starting my day covered in cat spit was not very nice

  • Update from up north and cat customs post

    Not much weather wise to bother us yet unlike Wales a few days ago and Jenny's neck of the woods today and overnight.From what I have seen she should have missed the bad stuff. Here we have been having hail storms for the last 2 days and the Lake district fells have their white caps on. I braved the hail for a trip to town this morning and only got caught outside in one shower. Shopping done I returned home with my shopping glad to be in for a sit down and a coffee. This didn't happen until 2… (read more)

  • awww RIP Grumpy Cat

    aww..... World famous grumpy cat dies..... The world's first animal social media influencer passed away from complications from a urinary tract infection. aww poor grumpy cat!!,,i loved that Cat ~~~~~

  • Thought I'd show how alike Pippin is to Ketley (Summer's cat)

    A sleepy cat

    I have watched Ketley grow up from a tiny, fighting for her life, kitten and brought up lovingly by my friend Summer. She is now a beautiful elegant cat who is in her forever home with Summer. I could see how alike she is to my cat Pippin and have brought some photos over to you to show how alike they are. He's very sleepy here........... Looking very handsome........... Who can resist that face eh? Enjoying the sun and being a bit of a "tar… (read more)

  • Turkish pussy cat taking advantage of an old dog

    Lovely scene with pussy cat having a soft cushion

    Mandi took this picture yesterday while she was out and about - she just couldn't resist..... The pussy cat didn't want to lie on the concrete tiles so found this lovely dog asleep and clambered onto his back. It was nice and comfy for him and so the two were dozing in the sun. I think it's a gorgeous picture.

  • Evie's cat came a'calling...........

    Lotti makes an appearance

    I had a visitor the other day - Lotti. Yvonne [Evie] has a gorgeous little Burmese cat called Lotti and she is very adventurous. Now Evie lives at the bottom of my garden - not IN my garden, but in a gorgeous bungalow situated at the other side of my garden hedge!!!! Thought I'd better clarify that, before some of you made the odd comment!! Well as you probably are aware - cats are quite territorial, and I'm lucky enough to have a large garden which my cats can call their territory. The odd s… (read more)

  • Happy infant and poorly cat

    I had a visit from Mia and Ellen yesterday which is always good fun. Mia is really getting around well now and is a little bundle of energy. They stayed around for an hour or so until Mia was ready for her dinner so off they went. Zazzles is a poorly little fella. He has developed a nasty rash in the last couiple of days so this morning Ellen took him to the vet. It turns out he is allergic to fleas saliva. He is half way hrough his monthly course of flea protection so this was a surprise bu… (read more)

  • plant life,rabbits and a painted cat

    A warm hazy morning for my stroll over the bridge,with only pipe fodder and milk for the cat to get I decided to walk both ways as I would have no frozen food to carry. I cut through the little haven as usual but decided to show you the little areas people walking through don't bother to visit in their hurry scurry lives. Folk working in surronding offices etc do use them on their lunch breaks for a little peace and quiet.The traffic noise is reduced to a faint hum in here. I spotted 2 rabbits… (read more)

  • KENNY GLENN - CAT ABUSER On Sunday, February 15th, 2009 Kenny Glenn posted two videos, both abusing a cat named Dusty. He posted these videos on YouTube under the account glennspam1, which has now been suspended. Various mirrors have been uploaded, each being removed by Youtube. It shows Kenny (under the pseudonym Timmy) and his brother abusing their cat. A number of internet communities managed to identify the perpetrator. VIDEO: Kenny Glenn abus… (read more)

  • Tucker Sno-Cat news letter 2014

    A trip Back In Time With Tucker Sno-Cat

  • Have you ever heard of Maru the cat?

    Have you ever heard of Maru the cat? I just love this cat and I often go onto YouTube to see if he's been up to any new tricks. So in case you've never heard or seen Maru, here's just a little snippet of his character!!! By the way he loves boxes!! <iframe width="420" height="315" src=" " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • Simon's cat does it again...............

    I so love Simon's cat and he does remind me of my cat Pippin............

  • Beautiful Boy Bubba: ADOPTED

    This incredibly handsome boy was part of a TNR (trap, neuter, release) effort. I trapped him 11/24/12, and Bubba was neutered and given his rabies vaccine on 11/26/12. Bubba returned to living outdoors, frequenting one of my feral feeders all winter long. Come spring, I wanted to try to trap a pregnant female. Bubba, however, felt the food in the traps were for him. And he didn't mind being trapped. After letting him out of a trap after a tasty meal, I called Bubba over to m… (read more)

  • A new Simon's cat.............

    Another wonderful thing from Simon's Cat. All you cat people will know this.

  • The return of the cat

    Sooty has returned as I posted earlier. He is fit and well but was hungry. He has no signs of injury and apart from being rather scruffy he is fine. Lots of purrs and snuggling went on and when Zazzles came home they made a big fuss of each other until Sooty tired of it and swatted Zazzles as if to say “OK that's enough”After feeding up and coming for more cuddles for them both tit was off into action again for the fearless duo. They were away and over the wall and prancing around in the long gr… (read more)