Group: 300-400 Views

Mickey poster.

Remains of the old castle's walls.

Ceiling of Saint John Lateran Basilica.

Ruins of Baths of Diocletian.

Former Ala Chemist Shop - Art Nouveau (1920).


Electricity box.

The 1990 Volvo of the touristic tour.

Fossiliferous outcrop.

Pretty in Purple

White Tangelo Blossom.



Magnolia Opening

Sainte Catherine Fortress and lighthouse.

Painting inspired on Amadora's yearly Manga Festiv…

On wall close to the railway.

Aigrette Garzette

Narrow building.

Taking shots at Cape of Roca.

Tiles panel.

Painted building.

Cala Sant Esteve.

Model of Schindler railway carriage.

"Origami", by Pantónio.

Wolf on the planalt.

Singing and dancing.