Group: 28+ Faves

Only contributions by Berny are shown | Display all contributions of the group

shadows of a cuban night

Carretera Austral

La Junta - Carretera Austral

in the wild.....

Cerro Castillo - 2675 m

white mountains on blue water.......

all sizes available......

Viejo Expreso Patagónico

Rio Yumuri

c a p i t o l i o

7 on the stairs......

Blue mosque

Hagia Sofia Sunrise

rear side

grey - green - blue

the music of Cham

still beautiful.......

always time for a game

my lil' finger......

a l c h e m y

free places in the sun

driving home in the sunset

golden evening road

just a dream

what happened.....

Istanbul twilight

Old Men Cafe