Group: Travel photos/Photos de voyage

Old and new

Awaiting restoration? HFF

Steep street

Photographe en quête de modèle

in the silence of your mind

Calligraphie sur T-shirt

Ilhéus : la città vecchia

sunset in the puddles (Island of Malta)

Un léger sourire

Ilhéus : un bel groviglio di anche una b…

Vilarinho de Cotas, Portugal

Bridge over the River Derwent by Kirkham Priory

Petit bavardage entre copines

Kaw Ka Thaung Cave/ Hpa-an

... au Bénin...

... pêcheur de conques ...

St. Andrews Castle from the Castle Sands

Corfu, Greece

Lucca, Toscana

HFF....outback Australia

Whitby Harbour Pier Extensions

On the way to Volterra, Toscana

El Pozo de las Calcosas

Lousy Weather At The Port (240°)

North Pier St. Andrews Harbour (HFF everyone)